Essential minerals that help in the development of strong hair

in #health7 years ago

Our body requires various minerals so that the cells could work very well. It acts like essential ingredients and every function that is occurring in the body needs its presence. Various health troubles with hair loss may arise due to lack of proportion in these minerals. Every mineral should be in right proportion in the body, if anyone gets increased over its normal range can cause a disparity in another. 

Image credit Strong hair

There are several reasons that cause mineral disproportion

The followings are the reasons of mineral disparity:

  • Diet 
  • Medicine
  • Tension  

The followings are the essential minerals that help in the growth of strong hair:

1. Calcium

Image credit Almonds contains calcium

Calcium is one of the most important minerals whose presence in the body is very essential for your hair. It helps in inducing the development of hair follicles. There are various foods that can provide you regular calcium dose. These are almonds, nuts, beans, vegetables, etc.

2. Magnesium

Image credit Cooked spinach offer magnesium

Magnesium holds second position after calcium and both must be consumed together because it plays a key role to balance the calcium that we consume as dietary supplements. If magnesium doesn’t exist in your body, the intake of calcium can harm you. Also the shortage of magnesium can disorder various body functions such as metabolism, thyroid, nervous system of heart, digestive and muscular system. The body utilizes both the minerals in tandem. There are several foods that offer magnesium. These are milk, almonds, cashews, yogurt, kefir, cooked spinach, pumpkin seeds, sauerkraut and etc. 

3. Potassium

Image credit Black beans provide potassium

If your diet doesn’t include potassium, it can lead to hair loss as well. The consumption of sufficient potassium can eliminate the sodium that accumulates surrounding the hair follicles that prevent our strong hair to soak up essential nutrients. Potassium can be found in various foods such as whole grains, almonds, bananas, sweet potato, white potato, tomato sauce, watermelon, frozen spinach, beets, black beans, white beans, canned salmon, edamame, butternut squash, swiss chard, yogurt and so on. 

4. Zinc

Image credit Seafood - a great source of zinc

Zinc is also one of those minerals that supports in the development of strong hair. The adequate amounts of this mineral in the body play a key role in cell division in the hair follicles. The foods that provide adequate amounts of zinc are pumpkin seed, avocado, seafood, beef, lamb, spinach, squash seeds and nuts. 

5. Iron

Image credit Iron-fortified cereals

The shortage of iron in the body can also lead to hair loss. If you eat such diet that excludes adequate amounts of iron, your body starts to ingest a protein called ferritin, whose function is to accumulate iron in the tissues of your body, that are present in non-essential tissue like hair bulb, causing hair fall. Foods that offer iron are red meat, lentils, soybeans, seafood, beans, pork and poultry, spinach, raisins, apricots, peas, iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas.

6. Selenium

Image credit A good source of Selenium

Lack of selenium in your body can lead to thyroid problems, and then hair loss. Selenium rich foods are whole grains, broccoli, Brazil nuts, white button mushroom, pinto beans, chia seeds brown rice and seeds (sesame, sunflower, and flax). 

7. Copper

Image credit Chicken contains copper

It not only helps in the development of hair health, but also it provides color and strengthens your hair. There are several food sources that can fulfill copper requirement. These sources are sesame seeds, seafood, wholegrain cereals, legumes, oysters, dark chocolate, prunes, fruits, dried brewer’s yeast, nuts, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, chicken, tofu etc. if you want to know more about any specific issue, you can visit a Dermatologist. 

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Good information. Thanks. I love healthy food. Following, upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for information
I want to have a strong hair !!

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