Day 30/30 Apple Cider Vinegar Challenge and Fitness Journey (vlog)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago

This is it! I made it. Okay... I posted the video this morning but I recorded it yesterday. I told myself I was going to post something every day and managed to eke out the 99-word stories but I literally fell asleep on my chromebook last night before I could post the video to YouTube.

Meredith Loughran blogs on Whaleshares and Steemit, fitness journal, vlog, apple cider vinegar challenge, acv
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Thoughts about the Apple Cider Vinegar Challenge

It takes a couple of days to get used to the taste of this drink. The "recipe" for my choice drink is at the end of each video.

  • I had a couple of "flush" days if you know what I mean.
  • No heartburn - in fact, I think it probably helped when I ate a lot of gluten on some days.
  • Better skin (attributed to ACV?)
  • Stronger, softer hair (ACV or something else? IDK)
  • I didn't get sick, especially with the drastic weather changes, like 50 degrees difference overnight!
  • Not as crampy or bloated during menses
  • I'm drinking more water and less coffee (attributed to exercise?)

Day 30

The fitness journey

During my 2 mile walk yesterday, I got to an intersection and there was a van that allowed me to pass so I didn't have to break my stride. I thought that was really nice except I hate when that happens because then I feel like I've got to rush.

This is sad but I'm going to tell you anyway...

Toward the end of my walk when my legs, shins and feet are already tired, the lady was nice enough to let me pass so I tried jogging across the intersection, showing appreciation and also to get the hell out of her way.

And I started to laugh because I think I jog slower than I walk! 😆
Seriously. LOL

I was bouncing more but I wasn't moving forward any faster. 😆 How fucking stupid is that?! Bottom line is: I. Do. Not. Run.

I was never good at it when I tried track in high school. I'm certainly not good at it when I'm 48 years old and probably about 40 pounds overweight.

The only thing I can hope for is that if ever there is a zombie apocalypse, I'm not the slowest person or I'll be food for the dead.

Daily to Weekly Journal

The daily journal was to get into the habit of action every day: drinking, exercising, writing, posting. I feel like I've generated a really good habit and I don't want to break the momentum which means that I will continue with the daily regimen but my journal is going to be weekly to track progress rather than creating said habit.

I see no reason to stop the apple cider vinegar drink and I'm looking forward to my walk. It's the next thing on my to-do list after posting this. It's just after 8 AM, it's overcast and still cool outside so now seems like a great time before I plant myself in front of the desk again.

Thank you for being part of my health journey!

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Meredith Loughran merej99 blogs on Whaleshares and Steemit
created by @kookyan

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Oh dear, I have to get myself moving too. I've not exercised for a very long while, I know I need it but I still lack the motivation to do it. huhu...

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