How Medipedia provides medical services - How do you connect good doctors with blockchain?

in #health6 years ago


Medical Tourism remains a costly affair for most people on the planet. A major Achilles heel for governments across the globe has been to provide affordable medical coverage and benefits to one and all. However, despite the efforts, most medical reforms or projects have fallen short and failed to be of any major relief to the people. A few key reasons for this are:

  • Centralised Autonomy of Medical Institutions
  • Power Concentration in the hands of Pharmaceutical Companies

The current structure of information sharing and storing follows a centralised framework. Medical hospitals and institutions enjoy absolute authority over existing medical information of their patients and clients. They feed upon the naive medical consumers. Transparent medical records/information will go a long way in filling this gap. Unless the information is decentralised, medical institutions will continue to manipulate patients at will. In this blog we shed light on the Medipedia’s Blockchain Platform provides for fostering of a transparent ecosystem for good doctors and happy patients.

Medipedia Medical Services and Blockchain

BlockChain is term that has become mainstream in recent times. Blockchain is a secure and scalable way to maintain decentralised public ledgers for any kind of transaction. This transaction can also take the form of medical information as well as medical history of the patients. The patients are in complete authority of their medical history/records. Hence unlike the erstwhile system, the medipedia blockchain platform gives autonomy to the individuals part of the Medipedia Blockchain Network.

  • Patient Rights are a reality on the Medipedia Blockchain network.
  • Patients records are stored as blocks and secured using hash values.
  • Any Update done will be reflected on the decentralised copy on the patient's mobile device and is verifiable by the patient.
  • This information is shared in a transparent way with all participating Institutions and the concerned patient.
  • Medipedia Blockchain Network eliminates the role of intermediaries like agents, fake doctors, fake institutes who pose as consultants and dupe common people.

The Good Doctor Network

Medical institutions and Service Providers registered on the Medipedia BlockChain network are verified and enjoy approval and faith of their current patients. But this is not the only filtering parameter for medical service providers and doctors. Medipedia provides better accessibility to the medical tourism services by concurrently receiving the service information from all medical providers subscribed to the Data Pool required by the medical consumers.

AA Access: Like the information of patients/medical consumers, Information of medical service providers are also stored in a distributed database. This paves way double A or Anywhere-Anytime Access via any device with an Internet connection.

Data Integrity: Post account creation and registration the patient/institute data is stored as blocks on the blockchain network. Not a single record (both of the patient and the doctor/institute ) can be altered or deleted.

Credibility: Medical Services are provided by only those medical personnel/doctors whose credentials have been certified through the Medipedia platform system.

Data Security: Medipedia stores patient/personal information, medical institution information, and medical record history in a decentralized data repository. The backup data is continuously maintained and are cryptographically verified and then stored as blocks on the Medipedia Network. These blocks are immutable by nature.

In conclusion, we can say that the Medipedia Blockchain Network is the future of robust medical tourism services. The records of the services offered by the medical institutes are decentralised and immutable. This brings much needed transparency to check the overburden of increasing unwanted health costs on the common man.

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