Stomach ache? You can have Gastritis

in #health7 years ago

Hello friends of Steemit, I hope you like the information that I am going to present. I am going to talk about gastritis, a pathology that is very frequent and maybe in your life you have had an unpleasant stomachache, or someone in your family or You have this disease, which can be presented, which can be presented here.


Before entering the disease we will know the anatomy of the stomach and its functions.


The stomach is a dilated portion of the gut-shaped digestive tract. It is located in the upper part of the abdomen, measuring between 8 and 11 cm in diameter. Due to its location, it has very complex and important anatomical relationships in the liver, with the bile duct, with the transverse colon and with the pancreas, an organ that lies behind the stomach.
The stomach has two curvatures, one greater directed to the left and another smaller directed to the right.
The inside of the stomach is covered by a mucosa with many folds. This mucosa contains a multitude of glands that are responsible for producing a series of substances (enzymes) that continue the process of digestion that began with chewing.
Surrounding this layer is the submucosa, which in turn is covered by a muscular layer, consisting of multiple fibers that give resistance and allow the mixing of food. Its exterior is covered by a membrane called serous or peritoneum.
The parts that are considered in the stomach are:
FUNDUS: immediately after the cardia or zone of union with the esophagus.
ANTRO: before the end of the stomach (the pylorus).
The stomach has two sphincters:
The cardia: that separates the stomach from the esophagus. It prevents the contents of the stomach from returning to the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux).
The stomach is a dilated portion of the gut-shaped digestive tract. It is located in the upper part of the abdomen, measuring between 8 and 11 cm in diameter. Due to its location, it has very complex and important anatomical relationships in the liver, with the bile duct, with the transverse colon and with the pancreas, an organ that lies behind the stomach.
The stomach has two curvatures, one greater directed to the left and another smaller directed to the right.
The inside of the stomach is covered by a mucosa with many folds. This mucosa contains a multitude of glands that are responsible for producing a series of substances (enzymes) that continue the process of digestion that began with chewing.
Surrounding this layer is the submucosa, which in turn is covered by a muscular layer, consisting of multiple fibers that give resistance and allow the mixing of food. Its exterior is covered by a membrane called serous or peritoneum.
The parts that are considered in the stomach are:
FUNDUS: immediately after the cardia or zone of union with the esophagus.
ANTRO: before the end of the stomach (the pylorus).
The stomach has two sphincters:
The cardia: that separates the stomach from the esophagus. It prevents the contents of the stomach from returning to the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux).
The pylorus: separates the stomach from the first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum.

Because it is the widest part of the digestive system, it is where one of the most important processes of food digestion takes place; and once the food bolus has arrived semi-shredded from the esophagus, the vagus nerve stimulates the segregation of gastric juices, which are mixed with food, assisted by contraction and dilation movements, forming a semiliquid substance afterwards of name chemo, that ends up stimulating the movements of stomach emptying or muscular contractions called peristaltic, those that facilitate the advance of the foods towards the portion of the duodenum or beginning of the small intestine.

Once we know the anatomy and functions of this organ, we will go into the subject.

It is the inflammation of the gastric mucosa; that is, the layer of cells that lines the stomach.

ACUTE: when it occurs in a short period of time in hours to days.
CHRONICLE: when it lasts or persists for months or years.

One of the most common causes of gastritis is infection by a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori that is transmitted from person to person. In developed countries, this bacterium could be infecting 50% of the population, although only 15% of them develop the disease, which shows that it is highly influenced by genetic or environmental factors (food, smoking, etc.). ). Anyway, this is not the only cause of gastritis but there are others such as those mentioned in the following figure:


Among the main drugs that cause gastritis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin, asteroids such as prednisone, some immunosuppressants such as mycophenolate mofetil and some antibiotics used for a long time.
In addition there are other infections among which are mentioned; viral infections that can cause gastritis such as cytomegalovirus infection and herpes simplex; fungal or fungal, parasitic and granulomatous diseases.
Other diseases such as pernicious anemia and autoimmune diseases can cause gastritis.
It must be borne in mind that in many cases the causes or situations that cause gastritis occur together and enhance each other. Therefore, if we have previously suffered gastritis or suffer it now we must avoid these factors to prevent a possible relapse or avoid maintaining this situation which can lead to bleeding or an increase in the possibility of gastric cancer.
Helicobacter pylori infection is the main cause of gastroduodenal ulcer disease and is a major cofactor in the development of gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma, so if the cause of gastritis is due to this bacterium, it should be closely monitored and a strict treatment. It is possible that it is transmitted by contaminated food and water.

Sometimes there are no symptoms, but the most common is that there is burning or pain in the epigastrium, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vomiting. It is common to find symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux, such as acidity in the stomach. The burning in the epigastrium usually yield in the short term with the intake of food, especially milk. But about two hours after the ingestion, the food passes into the duodenum and the hydrochloric acid secreted for digestion remains in the stomach, which causes the symptoms to worsen. Upper abdominal pain may also appear (which may worsen when eating ), indigestion or loss of appetite. If there is an ulcerous component that bleeds, vomiting may occur with blood or with a material similar to coffee stains, and dark stools.


Some tests can be used to diagnose acute gastritis. In general, when presenting the symptoms mentioned above, you should see a gastroenterologist.
The laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis are the following:
-Hemogram complete, used to monitor your general health, rule out anemia as a gastritis case.
-To diagnose helicobacter pylori as a cause of gastritis, which should be ruled out for any patient with suspected gastritis, it can be detected through saliva, through culture in the stool, or through blood serology, another More precise form is through direct culture of sample taken by endoscopy.
-Fecal test, which is used to detect blood in the stool.

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or endoscopy, used to look at the lining of the stomach with a small camera, this test confirms the diagnosis of gastritis is an invasive but specific test for this disease.
    -Biopsy of gastric tissue, which consists of extracting a small portion of tissue from the stomach for analysis, the sample is taken when performing the endoscopy.
    -Radiography, which is used to look for structural problems in your digestive system.

It is an invasive test, which is done through a probe, which has a camera, which allows you to see the digestive tracts directly through a monitor at the time of performing it. This study is done under anesthetic sedation, the risks of the study are very few, it does not present complications.
They will put a device in your mouth to prevent it from closing and damaging the teeth with the endoscope. An anesthetic spray is usually administered in the mouth and throat to reduce discomfort and facilitate the introduction of the endoscope. You will lie on a stretcher on the left side and then the doctor will proceed to introduce the endoscope previously lubricated by the mouth. He will ask you to swallow to facilitate your passage through the pharynx and will progress to the duodenum. You have to try not to swallow during the procedure unless you are instructed to do so. The saliva that can be formed in the mouth will be vacuumed by the assistant through a small suction tube. On an attached screen the doctor can see the entire surface of the upper intestine clearly. During the test you may be asked to change your posture to facilitate movement of the endoscope.
The doctor has various tools such as micropinzas, microtijeras, etc., which can be inserted through the channels of the endoscope, and that allow you to perform some diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. For example, you can aspirate secretions, take a biopsy, remove a polyp, coagulate a hemorrhage, remove a foreign body.




The main thing to carry out an adequate treatment is to identify the cause through the antecedents and the diagnostic tests mentioned.
All those factors that contribute to inflammation of the gastric mucosa should be corrected, so changes in lifestyle should be made.
1-Change eating habits
-Eating smaller and more frequent meals
-Avoid irritating foods (spicy, acidic)
-Avoid food cooked in oil (fried)
-Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption
-Learning to manage stress
2-Pharmacological treatment
-Associates: such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, and Rio pan-. Many brands in the market use different combinations of three basic salts of magnesium, calcium and aluminum with hydroxide or bicarbonate ions to neutralize the acid in the stomach. These medications can produce side effects such as diarrhea or constipation.
-Blockers of histamine 2 (H2), such as famotidine (Pepcid AC) and ranitidine (Zantac 75). H2 blockers decrease acid production.
-Prohibin pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as omeprazole (Prilosec, Zegerid), lansoprazole (Prevacid), pantoprazole (Protonix) rabeprazole (Aciphex), esomeprazole (Nexium), and dexlansoprazole (Kapidex) .The decrease in production of acid produced by proton pump blockers is more effective than that produced by H2 blockers.
-If it is present, treat H. pylori infection: Treatment of H. pylori infections is important, even if a person does not have symptoms of the infection. Gastritis caused by untreated H. pylori can lead to cancer or the development of ulcers in the stomach or small intestine.
The most common treatment is triple therapy that combines a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) and two antibiotics (amoxicillin and clarithromycin usually) to kill bacteria.
Treatment may also include bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) to help eliminate the bacteria.
After the treatment, the doctor may use a breath or stool test to make sure that H. pylori infection is gone.

-Digestive hemorrhages.
-Gastroduodenal ulcer.
-Gastric cancer.

gastritis is a very common disease, which can occur at any age, there are many risk factors that can cause it, sometimes come together several factors that contribute to development, if not treated in time can become chronic and generate devastating consequences among the worst stomach cancer, so if you have gastritis, go to your trusted doctor.

REFERENCES disorders/gastritis-and-%3D-gastroduodenal/gastritis

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