Day 21 Insomnia

in #health7 years ago

After having reduced my sleeping medication I had a terrible nights sleep again, I try hard to unwind and forget the things that are in my head but it just seems imposible. I yearn for a deep sleep and to be able to awake rested so I can focus on my therapy and not on my other problems. Like I mentioned before I hate taking pills of any type or form but I think I will have no other option but to ask for an increase in the dosage today. I am taking the steps I need to make to ensure that I am tired enough, exercise, enough walking and sunlight, reading before bed, a hot shower. 

I just wish there was an off button for my brain for a few hours so I can just forget about all the things that bother me.


I've had insomnia for about 3 weeks now...maybe longer? I don't know. I didn't know it was Tuesday until my husband mentioned it. And here it is nearly 2 am again...
So anyway... a friend mentioned I should try St. John's Wort because I refuse to take medication unless it's for a migraine. I think I might give it a try. I need sleep too. :(

Thanks @merej99 I might try that. Im willing to do anything to get some rest

nice posts friend

nice post :) and follow @mallorcaman

@merej99 and @mallorcaman I had this problem! Then I discovered sleep meditation. Check on youtube. I switch it on and put in my earphones and I am gone! There are relaxation exercises too. I never thought it would work but it does! I am a stubborn sleeper. 😂

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