Live from healthy diabetes

in #health7 years ago

Insulin inhibits the formation of insulin due to diabetes or insulin created in some cells of the body, it can increase the amount of glucose in the blood. When blood glucose levels increase, there is frequent urine pressure, which is known as polyurea. The affected person also feels hunger and thirst, it is called polyphygia or polypexia.

Diabetes can be a cause of death too many times. Diabetes can get rid of the kidney when it goes out of control, and this diabetes can take away the eyesight. So it is very important to stay away from this disease. Below are some ways to get rid of diabetes:

  1. Amlaki wants every day
    Amalaki is a result of many herbal products. It contains lots of vitamin C and polyphenols, which protect against oxidative damage caused by increasing the amount of sugar or glucose in our body. It also helps to make insulin in the body and ensures the flow of insulin in the desired place, the importance of maintaining sugar in the body is of immense importance. So you should eat regular amokki.

  2. Daily physical exercise
    By regular exercise in the morning or afternoon, you will be away from body weight as well as diabetes. As a result, the insulin absorption capacity increases in the body and keeps the other parts of the body healthy and vigorous. Regular exercise also results in increased digestion and glucose distribution in the body.

  3. Frothy foods
    Fennel foods play a very important role in keeping blood sugar intact. Examples of fennel foods are: cauliflower, cabbage, beans, patal, almost all types of spinach, sagina, ribs, brinjal, beans, barbati etc. After eating healthy food, it does not have to break food components in a complicated process like food, as it does not increase the amount of sugar in the diet. So always try to eat fresh sauce and vegetables. Fiberal foods help prevent heart attacks and reduce weight.

  4. Yellow to prevent diabetes
    For almost all kinds of infections and diseases, yellow acts as a very effective tool. This will help keep your body healthy. This is the insulin resistance of the body which prevented the formation of new cells and insulin resistance. Every day a glass of milk mixed with a hot milk and a teaspoon of turmeric powder will keep you away from diabetes.

  5. Reduce weight
    You can easily keep diabetes away from excessive weight, such as diabetes aid. If you are able to reduce the weight of one kilogram, then it will take you one step ahead of healthy body and diabetes free and will help maintain the body sugar content. So always try to eat healthy food, avoid oil and fatty foods as much as possible. Spend time regularly.

  6. Develop planned dietary habits
    Various scientific experiments have shown that the planned dietary habits are capable of working against any disease. Full dietary diet will keep you away from diabetes, while carbohydrate-rich foods increase the chance of diabetes. Dietary nutrients help fight against diabetes and keep body healthy. So consciously choose your food.

  7. Drink water, tea or coffee instead of sugar water
    Increased sugar content in sugar containers increases the likelihood of diabetes attack. Studies have shown (especially in women's case) those who eat less sugar than those who drink less sugar than those who drink sugar, 83% more likely to be infected with diabetes. So instead of soft drinks and bottled fruit juice, drink tea, coffee or water.

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