The Real Truth Behind Science-based Medicine

in #health7 years ago

Video Transcript: The Real Truth Behind Science-based Medicine

Chris Wark: Well, we know that there are hundreds,  if not thousands, of side effects caused by pharmaceutical drugs. I  mean, it’s too many to even talk about, but any pharmaceutical drug is  an unnatural substance. It’s a chemical that was never meant to be put  in the body and it causes an unnatural biochemical reaction in the body  that will have unintended side effects. And some of those are cancer.

Look at television. Actually, I don’t recommend you watch television,  but if you do watch television, you will see prescription drug ads and  at the end of every drug ad you’ll hear a disclaimer about all of the  side effects it may include. And many of them say, “May include cancer;  May cause cancer.” So here’s a drug for your restless legs, which by the  way can be completely solved with diet change, but it also may give you  cancer. 

 Ty Bollinger: It’s funny you mention  that, because we don’t watch a lot of television, but when my kids see a  commercial we always watch the drug commercials because of the fact  that I’ve tried to teach them: “Listen to what the side effects are” and  it’s really mind blowing. As a matter of fact, sometimes you’ll have a  drug that is used to treat X, Y, Z that actually in the list of side  effects may cause X, Y, Z. 

 Chris Wark: Well yeah, chemotherapy will be one of  those. It’s true — it’s just unfortunate because money is really the  driver of medicine. Money is the driver and we live in a world where the  industry is trying to promote itself and re-brand itself as  science-based medicine. And the truth is, it’s not science-based  medicine; it’s patent-based and it’s profit-based because the only  science they’re interested in, is science that will lead to  the development of a patent-able, highly profitable drug. 

They ignore the huge body of scientific evidence on nutrition. It’s  completely ignored. And yet, medicine tries to claim that it’s  science-based, but again it’s ignoring nutritional science and lifestyle  medicine. So it’s a pretty bogus claim, but you’ll see — there are  people with blogs claiming to be all about science and they use this  blog as a platform to promote conventional therapy, surgery and drugs.  Yet they ignore all nutritional science. 

There’s a journal called Nutrition and Cancer that has been  published since 1979. It’s a medical journal. You’re not going to  see any studies from that published on some of these blogs/websites that  claim to be all about science. 

Ty Bollinger: So they’re very selective.

Chris Wark: Absolutely, and you know that a lot of  the science is fraud. A lot of the science is fraud science that has to  do with the development of drugs because you look at the number of drug  recalls that happen every year. You look at the side effects that happen  with drugs and you look at the fact that the FDA panels consist of many  conflict-of-interest researchers that work to develop a drug and then  sit on a panel with the FDA that’s supposed to be neutral to get that  drug approved. 

By Chris Wark 

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