in #health7 years ago


Porphyria refers to a group of disorders that result from in a buildup of natural chemicals that produce porphyrin in the body. Porphyrins are essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells that binds iron, and carries oxygen to your organs and tissue. High levels of porphyrins can cause significant health problems.

Porphyria mainly affects the nervous system (CNS and ANS), skin and internal organs. Porphyria is usually inherited from one or both parents who pass along an abnormal gene to their child. But in some types of porphyria is triggered by environmental factors and abusive consumption of drugs:

Chemicals: Aluminum and its compounds, Atrazine, Lead, Carbaryl, Chlordane, Chloroform, DDT and its Metabolites, Dibenzofuran, Dieldrin, Endosulfan, Ethanol (alcohol), Ethylene oxide, Hexachlorbenzol, Cadmium, Landan, Parathion, Pentachlorophenol (PCB), Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), Pyrethroid, Mercury and its compounds, Sterol, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlordibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD), Trichlorophenol und Vinyl chloride.

Drugs: Amitriptyline, Barbiturate, Carbamazepine, Diazepam, Griseofulvin, Halothane, Imipramine, Isoniazid, Meprobamate, Methamphetamine, Estrogen, Oxazepam, Progesterone, Sulfonamide-Antibiotic and Tetracycline.

Symptoms caused by direct Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat (Vitamin B6), Zinc und Manganese deficiency: Low muscles activity, muscles spasms, epileptoid seizures, cramping, joints problems, excessive mobility of joints, pelvis instability, digestive & GI problems, carbohydrate intolerance, deficient protein digestion, food allergies, heart and blood vessels instability and health problems caused by Homocysteine, diabetes type II, reactive hypoglycemia;

Symptoms caused by disturbed Heme production such as: anemia, fatigue, liver problems, depression, schizophrenia, and psychosis;

Symptoms caused by hormonal disorders are dependent on Age, Stress, Anti-baby pill: permanent fatigue and tiredness, headaches and migraines, allergies and gluten sensibility, infection predisposition, low blood pressure, infertility, overweight. There is also a cutaneous art of porphyria manifesting with whitened nails and skin rashes, sometimes with blisters.

To diagnose correctly porphyria a specific pyrrole known as HPU must be tested in urine; here is where most of mistakes are done; most labs are testing total kryptopyrroles (KPU).

Porphyria is caused by missing 8 enzymes which contain Zinc, vitamin B6 (P5P), Biotin, Manganese, sometimes Copper; these enzymes are responsible for heme genesis and thus very important for the body functionality. The therapy is based on a massive supplementation of Zinc, P5P, Biotin and Manganese, however it must be supervised by doctors’ due to many incidents which can occur during the detox phase. Once treated, life quality of these patients become much better and many symptoms faced as Lyme, Autism, Schizophrenic patients is easier and faster to treat. This therapy must be done before starting to treat Lyme disease.

In our video today we give you very good hints to diagnose and correctly treat HPU - an overseen health condition with disastrous consequences!



Really i didn't know about those.

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