in #health6 years ago
  • B.A.R.T.
B.A.R.T. means: Blood Amplification Resonance Testing ; it is a biophysical testing method based on capillary blood calibration. BART is a method to test food, allergens, remedies, any kind of intolerances; it is very suitable for a terrain milieu and matrix regeneration therapy to boost auto regulation (ANS).

Learn everything you need to know about the B.A.R.T. system in this video.


You can obtain the BART system exclusively here.

  • EASY QUICK CHECK - EDS, Bioresonance & Laser in one Easy Package
Easy Quick Check is a professional EAV device with a high accuracy of measurements easy to set up and operate. It can be used with a software (X-Kits) running on a PC. The software data base is showing graphically the acupuncture points to be measured and is recording automatically the measured values. You can elaborate reliably a meridian diagnosis and prepare your own, customized homeopathic remedies.

Learn about the concept behind the Easy Quick Check, its unique features and how to use it in this video.


You can obtain the Easy Quick Check exclusively here.

  • PULSE QUICK CHECK - Pulse Meridian Diagnosis
Pulse Quick Check measures blood pressure and pulse on different body zones. The pulses measured on different body segments can be scientifically assigned to the twelve TCM meridians, providing information about acute and chronic energy fluctuations. This procedure is the same as in TCM pulse diagnosis. Pulse Quick Check is suitable for monitoring the progress of various treatment procedures and can be delegated to the personnel in a practice. In TCM it takes years to learn how to correct establish a pulse diagnosis; with Pulse Quick Check you generate this kind of diagnosis in 10 minutes.

In this video you learn about all of the unique features, how to use it and much, much more.


You can obtain the Pulse Quick Check exclusively here.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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