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RE: Product Testimonials: Shungite Stone

in #health5 years ago

Well, that is where the Gladiator story comes in. My mom and dad were watching a docuseries on Mt Vesuvius and Pompeii. One of the main character’s names was Lydon. During the eruption, the Lydon character picked up his girlfriend, who was blind, and carried her out of the city to safety. That image of a man rescuing the one he loved struck a chord in my mom’s spirit two years before I was born.


Oh that's a beautiful story! I'd go with that explanation, do you?

Yes, it is! I generally do. I like the Linden Tree heritage as well since my nature is to connect people and help them win at life.

Is that what you do in your job or career? people?

I believe that is what we all do at its core. Shall we move our conversation to Wire, Discord, Skype or something of that nature?

Oh! If we are getting into a subject that you aren't comfortable with then by all means..I'm on Discord. I don't even know what Wire is. lol. I've always talked very openly on here. Most people already think I'm crazy. lol.

Haha, no worries! We can connect on Discord. What is your username?

Okay! it's janton.

Hmm, it seems there are a couple, @janton profiles.

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