Enjoy life and eat the best food...

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The priorities in your life should be 1. your health, 2. your family, 3. your income (work) & finances and 4. everything else. "How not to die" is a book that explores the most common causes of death and how to prevent or even reverse illnesses. To read the mentioned book is probably the best investment you will make in your life, I therefore highly recommend it to you.

You can find the whole book here in PDF-format:


Please don't get confused, I myself eat a lot of meat and consume alcohol uncontrolably sometimes. I love an icecold beeer, whiskey, big steaks with fat on them. Every time I review that habit, I am really not happy with myself. I quit smoking 10 years ago. I ride my bike 1h every day now, most days. Living in Germany had caused me to consume Beer and Schnapps in such quantities that it has influenced my efficiency, and making me tired during the day. 

Quitting smoking is very difficult. The thing is you've got to change your paradigm and motivational slogan. If it's "I want to quit smoking" then that won't help you quit.

Your good friend - Jegor Orlow

P.S.: By the way, I am not too sure Dr. Greger looks too healthy himself. Maybe sit in the sun a little, sip an icecold beer and BBQ a steak? Or go ride bike. He looks to me that what ever he is eating is not blocking his DHT. Medical doctors are not engineers... goes to show that you should please not blindly follow the advice of anyone without good old common sense!


Very good article, thanks for posting I up voted and followed :)

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