CANCER - Big Business or Easily Curable

in #health8 years ago

Hi folks. Well first let me say that I'm not a Dr. and I am not offering any medical advice here, I'm only offering information. It is up to you, the patient, to research and thoroughly investigate all of your health options with regard to whatever your health issue may be. After all it's your body; right? Having said that I have spent a lot of time researching the many alternative claims of cancer and other general health cures. I have never had cancer nor been diagnosed with any sort of cancer but after all my research I would say that I would probably attempt one or more natural alternatives before going straight to cut/poison/radiate.

There is a YouTube channel called The Truth About Cancer and the lead person of the channel, Ty Bollinger, has brought together so many possible alternative remedies into one source along with patients that have cured their cancer using these alternative treatments , that it may serve you or someone you know to get more informed about these treatments and the medical industry behind the traditional treatments. There are also may other stand alone videos devoted to some of these alternative treatments also (see below). With all this evidence you must ask yourself why is it that all of these alternative treatments are literally illegal. I mean what would be the harm to at least try some of these treatments before resorting to the extremes of Chemo and/or Radiation or even surgery. The fact is that cancer treatment is a big part of the insurance business and it's a business for profit. The exact same traditional cancer treatments have now been around for over 50-60 years and cancer cure research has also been going on for just as long yet nothing new really has come, why is that?

For those of you who want specifics, here are some topics I've looked at, do your own research ...

Cannabis Oil, Rick Simpson Oil
Shown to cure internal cancers and other serious diseases when ingested and skin cancer when applied topically. See movie “Run from the Cure”

Black Salve, Cansema
A substance of all natural ingredients use to treat skin cancers

DCA, Dichloroacetic acid
See website for details

Antineoplastons by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski of Houston TX
See movie “Burzynski”

The Gerson Diet by Dr. Max Gerson with clinic in Mexico
See movies “The Gerson Miracle” and “Dying to have known”
and “The Beautiful Truth” also research Coffee Enema

The Hoxsey Formula by Dr. Harry M Hoxsey with clinic in Mexico
See and other sources

Essiac an all natural substance

Vitamin B17 found in Apricot Seeds – see YouTube videos

Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda to help balance PH in the body
Cancer will not grow or develop in an Alkaline (opposite of acidic) environment

Mistletoe and/or Shark Cartilage, needs more study and investigation

RIGVIR a virus medicine discovered in Latvia and used with no side effects to cure cancer


Other natural substances for better health
Hydrogen Peroxide – kills bacteria
Colloidal Silver – kills bacteria and viruses and fungus
Structured Water (see ProAlgezyme) may cure AIDS
White Gold Power – ORME (Ormus)
Zeolite – substance to remove heavy metals from the body
Propolis Tincture – from Bee’s
Blue Green Alge
Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda

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i got rid of my cancer 5+ years ago. prostate cancer and lymphoma, in addition to an alkaline diet (temporarily). i used this:
it was done in less than 6 weeks. this also freed me from several other chronic ailments that i had as long as i can remember. i still use it and haven't been ill since.

Ty Bollinger is great. i have found 27 different ways to rid oneself of cancer. some of the ones you've listed are on my list. some, i haven't put on my list because i haven't understood them yet. knowing what i am promoting is important to me. not that they don't work, just that i haven't vetted them for myself. i would love to understand the actual mechanism of ORMUS.

@lifeworship thank you for your reply and for this reference, I snagged a copy of the book for future reference, I have heard about this/him before. I have also heard about ORMUS or mono-atomic gold as a health source. You may also want to look up Royal Rife and his machine that cures.

i learned about R.R. Rife and his multifrequency pathogen killer in about 1995, along with some interesting material on Wilhelm Reich, George Lakhovsky, Dr. Alexander Golod, and Antoine Prioré.
Prioré is one of the most interesting, but about whom i can find the least information. his idea, and actual working machine, was to use phase conjugate, time reversed waves to reverse the effects of aging and disease in the time domain. i think much more knowledge has been suppressed than we will ever know.
these phase conjugate, time reversed waves, sound like craziness. one has but to do a simple search to find the amazing amount of information available. this has been known about since 1904, with E.T. Whittaker's work on scalar or longitudinal electromagnetic waves.
there is so much amazing knowledge out there. i applaud your openness of mind. thank you.

This is great information. I will definitely research these sources and pass on the info.

Thanks for your reply!

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