Labyrinthitis: How to behave?

in #health6 years ago

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the labyrinth of the ear that, if neglected, can have consequences on hearing. Causes severe dizziness and loss of balance.


What is labyrinthitis?

It is an inflammatory disorder of the inner ear, also called a labyrinth. From the clinical point of view, this disease causes alterations in balance and can affect one or both ears.

In addition to the problems of posture, the affected patient may experience hearing loss and tinnitus, an auditory deficit composed of noises, such as whistling or buzzing, which the ear perceives as annoying to the point of affecting the subject's quality of life. is affected

Labyrinthitis can occur:

  • As a single episode, and it's called acute labyrinthitis

  • As recurrent episodes that tend to resolve in 3-6 weeks, and it's called

Chronic labyrinthitis

The characteristic symptoms are also intense dizziness, but also nausea, vomiting, anxiety and a general feeling of discomfort, since the brain receives distorted information from the inner ear in regard to balance.

The cause of this disease is often not clear, it could be caused by an infection (viral or bacterial), but also by traumas or other triggers.

Labyrinthitis causes and symptoms

In most cases it is caused by an infection of a viral or bacterial nature of the labyrinth, the inner part of the ear.

The triggers have not yet been fully understood, but the case studies show that many viruses are actually capable of causing inflammation of the labyrinth.

For example, it has been shown that in most cases the disease follows a cold, flu or other viral cooling disease. Less common are patients with labyrinthitis due to systemic infections such as measles, mumps, or mononucleosis.

More rarely, the triggering factor is bacterial in nature, which can be found mainly in children and adolescents. Labyrinthitis can finally occur in people with autoimmune diseases.


Are more or less certain risk factors:

  • Alcohol abuse

  • Fatigue

  • Allergies

  • Recent viral effects

  • Of smoking

  • Stress

The characteristic symptoms of labyrinthitis are:

  • Dizziness

  • Stun

  • Hearing loss

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Tinnitus

  • Transpiration

  • General discomfort

Vertigo are temporary in nature and usually tend to lead to a period of a few days to weeks,

In addition to these, the patient experiences a deep sense of anxiety, as a frequent side effect, which can degenerate into more or less mild panic attacks and depression.

Natural medicine

When the triggering cause is due to stress, taking relaxing tea (especially with valerian, lemon balm and passion flower) can be a valid aid.

In cases where the causes are due to viruses or bacteria, it is important to stimulate the immune system and a great help in this case can be given by royal jelly, garlic and turmeric.

Among the recommended therapies we find reflexology and acupuncture that can provide good results.

The types of labyrinthitis

Depending on the causes that trigger, there are different types of labyrinthitis that can affect our body.

Stress labyrinthitis

It may be caused by stress, but how? A psychophysical stress condition, especially if it continues over time, can undoubtedly favor a reduction of the immune defenses, giving green light to external agents that can cause ear infections.

However, doctors agree that stress appears more as a predisposing factor than as a real cause.

Chronic labyrinthitis

It can have different causes, mainly viral infections or badly treated bacterial infections of the ear (such as simple degenerative otitis, or viruses such as mumps, chickenpox and rubella), including cranial trauma, allergic drug reactions or situations of extreme stress, which They can lower the immune system and lead to infections and inflammation.

In some cases, chronic labyrinthitis has been observed to occur concomitantly with some particularly debilitating therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer patients.

The cure for this type of labyrinthitis can be both pharmacological and surgical.

They tend to reduce inflammation, less invasively, with a specific antibiotic therapy, especially in the case of labyrinthitis of bacterial origin, or with corticosteroids to combat nausea and mild sedatives to calm anxiety and panic attacks.

Surgery, where pharmacological treatment is not enough, may vary depending on the degree of inflammation and the immensity of the affected area.

Labyrinthitis and cervical

Even an incorrect posture can be counted among the triggers of labyrinthitis. The postural problems can cause a strong tension in the cervical musculature that can cause labyrinthitis. It is not uncommon, in fact, for the most affected ear to be the most contracted cervical side.

The duration of the crisis is variable, but it is not uncommon for the person to experience a feeling of "daze" or lack of clarity.

In this case, the cause is in the strong tension of the cervical muscles, which impede circulation to the brain. Rest and lying position are useful to reduce the symptoms of vertigo, since the muscles are in a relaxed position.

The tension of the cervical muscles can be caused by many factors, such as improper breathing, trauma and generalized muscle stiffness.


Labyrinthitis, how long can it last?

It is a condition that if it is identified immediately and treated correctly it tends to disappear in a few weeks.

In the case of purulent labyrinthitis, however, serious complications can occur, such as meningitis or cerebellar abscesses or, if not treated well, it can take on a chronic nature and cause a reduction in hearing.

Labyrinthitis and Epley maneuver

Who has dealt with this problem, have you undoubtedly heard of this maneuver as a natural remedy to solve particularly annoying episodes of this disease? Also on Youtube there are several videos that illustrate this maneuver, also called Dix-Hallpike.

  • Before carrying out any maneuver, including the Epley maneuver, a correct diagnosis of the problem is necessary. Self-diagnosis is often incorrect and harmful.

  • Selecting the correct maneuver, between the possible maneuvers, and executing it correctly is the task of an otolaryngologist specialist or, in any case, of a figure with adequate specialized skills.

  • Even assuming that some maneuvers can provide relief to the patient, it must be remembered that the advantage could be temporary and illusory. Even in some cases, they can delay the correct diagnosis of the patient's vertiginous disease.

The advice, therefore, is always to contact a specialist.

Labyrinth attack: what to do?

In case of an attack, there are several useful tips that we can follow.

  • Do not drive in any way

  • Avoid sudden movements

  • Do not expose yourself to direct light, both natural and artificial

  • Be still with your head, do not read or watch television

With regard to nutrition, they are a valuable aid, foods rich in vitamin A, C, E, B6. In addition to a low salt diet, it is advisable to eat lots of vegetables, lettuce, radishes, turnips, fennel and raw cabbage, dandelion, nettle, purslane.

Against dizziness and nausea, it is useful to drink apple juice and consume ginger, both raw and infused.

It is good to eliminate substances such as smoke and alcohol.

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