bipolar disorder - English

in #health8 years ago

The word bipolar is often used in a bad way when you want to criticize the mood swings of someone in particular.
But bipolar disorder is not exactly that, it is something more complex that not only has to do with that person's state of mind.
There are different types of bipolar disorders, or different behaviors according to each person, it is true that some people suffer mood changes from sadness to joy or from joy to sadness in a short span of time, but it does not happen at all.
For example, my mother, when she has had her crises, never goes into depression because of the illness, she enters a very strong phase of euphoria (excessive joy), which causes an increase in her wastage of money, besides the change of mood and Impulsive behavior are added psychotic crises, which do not always have to do with religion, or with ghosts, every person suffers hallucinations according to the things that most concern or like, I get to know a mathematical boy that his crises had to Do with math.
Depression in the case of people who only suffer from euphoria in their crises are caused by the medication that is given to reverse the crises and then normalize the situation.
The crises do not have to be caused by not taking their medication, since always (in the case of my mother) their levels in the analytical are correct, it is not known very well because this happens, but may be conditioned by the personal situation what is going on


As someone who is bipolar I feel bad for the ones that just get the depression bits..
Mania or hypermania can be incredible tools for arts and design if harnessed.

When you learn to control yourself on your high bits and learn to live through the low bits you're no longer just "bipolar" but awesome too. :D There is a massive stigma and seemingly taboo bit around mental illness.. Which doesn't make a lick of sense. I'm a firm believer that everyone is nuts in some way.. It's the ones that claim to be normal you gotta watch out for. ;)

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