in #health6 years ago


This is me in a day of social action in my city, Puerto Ordaz

In the midst of the crisis and the difficult circumstances we face in our country, in the midst of crises in hospitals that have brought more and more diseases, few have realized a much worse disease, based on the acidic environment in which we find Mos. An environment that doesn't help our mental health at all. We see as desperate thousands, looking for a way out in the midst of so much darkness, they feel anguished, hopeless, frustrated.

I can not deny that I myself have had many times this kind of emotions, and negative feelings, based on the atmosphere to which we are exposed all Venezuelans, an atmosphere of disappointment. Sometimes I think of travelling, and I would recommend to many to travel, to go on a trip to parks, beaches, stop from Mérida. Wow as I miss them... but I also know that this is for many a difficult privilege to achieve.

In view of this whole environment, I think the first that is affected are our emotions, our mental health, there are some practices to maintain the mental health I want to share with you, many of them, have been advice given by friends, others born of Experience daily experiences, these can help us to follow light forward without so much toxic charge:

En medio de la crisis y las circunstancias difíciles que enfrentamos en nuestro país, en medio de las crisis en los hospitales que ha traído a su vez mas y mas enfermedades, pocos se han dado cuenta de una enfermedad mucho peor, basada en el ambiente ácido en el cual nos encontramos. Un ambiente que no ayuda en nada a nuestra salud mental. Vemos como miles desesperados, buscan una salida en medio de tanta oscuridad, se sienten angustiados, desesperanzados, frustrados.

No puedo negar que yo mismo he tenido muchas veces este tipo de emociones, y sentimientos negativos, basados en la atmósfera a la que estamos expuestos todos los venezolanos, un ambiente de desilusión. A veces pienso en viajar, y recomendaría a muchos viajar, salir de paseo a parques, playas, paramos de Mérida. Guaoo como los extraño...pero también se que esto es para muchos un privilegio difícil de alcanzar.

En vista de todo este ambiente, creo que la primera que se ve afectadas son nuestras emociones, nuestra salud mental, ahí algunas practicas para mantener la salud mental que quiero compartir con ustedes, muchas de ellas, han sido consejos dados por amigos, otros nacidas de las experiencia vivencias diarias, estas nos pueden ayudar a seguir ligeros hacia adelante sin tanta carga toxica:

▶ Every morning is a gift, and also a good opportunity to thank and meditate for the good things received, this helps us to put our mind and heart in the good times and gifts of life, as friends, family, and those tastes that despite Tod Or you can still have.

▶ Take care what you see in the news and social networks, in this wave of information acid, although it is good to be informed, sometimes the excess of information on how bad things are, only promotes the frustration and mental illness of which are already suffering many Venezuelans, who have been thrown out of abandonment, losing all hope.

▶ An excellent practice that lei a few days ago is to propose not habalr more than 10 minutes of the situation of the nation.

▶ Although reading the news is very important to be informed, it is not advisable to do before sleeping even more when it is bad news, because our dream will not be pleasant, and for Concecuencia next day, may not be the healthiest mentally speaking.

▶ Exercising, and taking fresh air is always one of the best practices for releasing loads and stress.

▶ Unburden talking to trusted people, it is not advisable to keep all our complaints and bad humor, it is always good to have a good friend to whom we entrust our mental health, simply speaking. The suicide index in Venezuela has increased much because many do not know who to talk to about what they are living.

▶ And finally be happy with you and with others around you, do those things that motivate unity and peace in and out of you, but above all be happy.

Would you add any other advice to have mental health in the midst of the crisis?

▶Cada mañana es un regalo, y también una buena oportunidad para agradecer y meditar por las cosas buenas recibidas, esto nos ayuda a poner nuestra mente y corazón en los buenos momentos y en los regalos de la vida, como los amigos, la familia, y aquellos gustos que a pesar de todo aun puedes tener.

▶Cuidar lo que ves en las noticias y redes sociales, en esta ola de información acida, aunque es bueno estar informado, aveces el exceso de información sobre lo mal que esta las cosas, solo promueve la frustración y enfermedad mental de la cual ya están padeciendo muchos venezolanos, que se han echado al abandono, perdiendo toda esperanza.

▶ Una practica excelente que lei hace unos dias es proponerse no habalr mas de 10 minutos de la situación de la nacion.

▶Aunque leer las noticias es muy importante para estar informado, no es recomendable hacerlo antes de dormir mas aun cuando se trata de malas noticias, ya que nuestro sueño no sera placentero, y por concecuencia dia siguiente, puede no ser el mas sano mentalmente hablando.

▶Hacer ejercicio, y tomar aire fresco siempre es una de las mejores practicas para liberar cargas y estres.

▶Desahógate hablando con gente de confianza, tampoco es recomendable guardar todas nuestras quejas y mal humor, siempre es bueno tener un buen amigo a quien confiarle nuestra salud mental, simplemente hablando. El indice de suicidio en venezuela a aumentado mucho debido a que muchos no saben con quien hablar lo que están viviendo.

▶Y por ultimo se feliz contigo y con los demás a tu alrededor, haz aquellas cosas que motiven la unidad y la paz dentro y fuera de ti, pero sobre todo se feliz.

Añadirías algún otro consejo para tener salud mental en medio de la crisis?

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Take care what you see in the news and social networks, in this wave of information acid, although it is good to be informed, sometimes the excess of information on how bad things are, only promotes the frustration and mental illness of which are already suffering many Venezuelans, who have been thrown out of abandonment, losing all hope.

I agree with this so much. 'Information acid' is such a great way to describe it!

So it is friend we agree is in that, we need to take care

thank you for sharing this great advice for helping to maintain ones mental health, it is so important to talk about these things

Thank you very much to the reader for reading Hope is of great benefit my friend

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