Beautifully Articulated Plea for the Rights of ALL Animals - Eating KINDNESS

in #health7 years ago


It's a thorny old subject to be sure...full of triggers and snares, arguments and counter calls, not an easy one for the average meat and dairy eater to sit with, justify or meditate long upon.

So dear Steemies, here in this short video, is a wonderfully well articulated piece of logic (worth the 14 minutes watch) that might make you ponder, pontificate and possibly even pursue a New Year you, free from both the dairy and the meat or at least developing a plan to go more plant based.

In the interests of full transparency, yes, I am vegan, yes, I do believe animals are sentient and no, I do not judge anyone negatively if they do not agree with me. I fully respect and honour the choices of every single one of you and would never seek to be divisive or judgemental, to either preach or screech, about this.

Ultimately this isn't a's a dietary choice, nothing more, nothing less.

But each choice we make has ramifications and the awareness of this, as a compassionate being, is what made me switch from a full meat and dairy eating diet to a pure plant based vegan one.

Did I miss cheese?
Hell yes, the addictive forming facet within cheese, the casein, had me hooked alright!
Do I (ubiquitously) miss bacon?
Not so much.
Do I regret the decision?
Hell NO!
Did the cravings eventually stop?
Course they less than 2 weeks!

Discovering how to make "cheeses" from nuts, like cashews, did ease the transition *

Do I feel better for switching?



Because, quite simply, since I became vegan in 2012 I have not had one single days illness...not one cold, snivel, virus or disease...I have good skin, hair, teeth, and my overall energy levels are far more balanced and boosted plus I sleep soundly every single night. What's not to love about that???

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and comments, folks, don't get triggered please...I won't bite, or bark at you but I would love to hear your views if you're trying to make the change, or want some help to do that. I can offer my experience and signpost you to learning HOW to do the vegan thing if you'd like some support.

Additionally I have a veritable treasure trove of research and recipes, tips and tricks, life health hacks, if you will, that may help ease the transition for you.

And not just in food terms...animals make their way into beauty products, cosmetics, cleaning stuff and clothing too! I will be blogging about these areas too as I go full steem ahead, so do stay tuned for more on this.

Just give me a shout in the comments if I can help in ANY way?

Photo credit; Richard Avignon

  • The book that revolutionised my vegan cookery skills - This Cheese Is Nuts by Julie Piatt

How can we say we want peace in the World when there is violence on our plates?

That's a VERY important question you raise there, Tony!

Every single day, if people are lucky enough to eat 3 times during that day, if they continue to choose eating meat and animals products they are eating suffering...all the while paying lip service in their pleas for peace, global harmony and an end to needless suffering whilst stuffing their faces with...the results of SUFFERING! It's a deep and difficult type of cognitive dissonance that involves a loss of conscience, a lack of consciousness and a form of hypocrisy that defies logic.

Thanks so much for adding such a simple but powerful phrase to this discussion ⭐️

Youre welcome, keep up with the great musings :)

You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Keep steeming!

Thank you @ayingroxie, thats VERY kind of you⭐️

Hi @lilygolightly, Once upon a time, I lived with a lady, and she only fed me vegan food, so I only ate vegan. While we were together I didn't buy take-away other than blueberries for when I was driving, and didn't miss meat or dairy at all.
Alone again, I reverted to my mum and grandma's teachings in the kitchen. I had spent a lot of time in my youth on detention duties around the kitchen. I'm sorry to say I eat anything placed in front of me when hungry. Bush tucker to tortes. It's not that I wouldn't eat vegan or macrobiotic, but it's too difficult to remember sizes and constituent nutrients in shopping to eat without depriving myself of some important factor, which I basically don't have to even think about on grandma's balanced diet. I eat very little meat or dairy, but was raised so, and have reduced both, to where my Dr is always reminding me to eat more beans and/or steak. I do wish I had payed better attention when younger, but we all have our karma, no worries. I reckon too, you Are missing out, to not enjoy some snake. 😇

Nice to hear your views @simon62 thanks for your comments!

Unless I am ever stranded in the Australian outback, my chances of eating snake are seriously limited. Which is probably a VERY good thing! Heck, the only wild snake I have ever seen was up in the Scottish highlands on a remote road that had VERY limited traffic on it. I walked this along this road for 6 hours and not one single car passed me by or drove its length.

Imagine my surprise then to encounter an adder, or viper, in the middle of this lonely lane! But alas this slippery sucker had extremely poor timing. It had decided to cross the road at precisely the same time as the only car passed by, and it was, as flat as the proverbial pancake squished by a tyre, and summarily despatched to its very own Garden of Eden in the sky!!

Fascinated, and bemused at the fate of this luckless adder, I took a closer look. The diamond pattern of its scales reflected in the sunshine and in death its little fangs were revealed, needle sharp. Since it is so rare to have such a view, in relative safety, I inspected them closely...sure enough at the moment of death it had released some of its venom.

On later reflection I concluded that the hapless reptile had probably decided to warm its chilly blood, and bask in the summer sun in precisely the one spot where the car with its name on it, would later send it to whatever heaven snakes go to!

Looking forward to reading more about your Australian adventures and wishing you full steem ahead in 2018⭐️

That is such a powerful video, I only watched it the other day! Good choice.

Isn't it just? His logic is so sound and his manner so gentle that he is the perfect advocate for our furry friends...trying your key lime pie recipe VERY soon and thanks for commenting👍

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