Easy Herbs: Dog Rose (Rosa canina)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Dog Rose (Rosa canina)

Dog Roses (Rosa canina) form prickly tangles highlighted with beautiful, pink flowers. They can be so tangled that folks have thought them to be Blackberries.

Dog Roses, like all Roses, bring peace. The beautiful flower, showing from a tangle of worldly thorns, suggests peace within trouble.

All the Roses cool and soothe, a tea made from the fresh petals is a sure way to relax and soothe the mind. Using Rose Oil is a very common way for people to seek peace and heal heartache.

Dog Roses provide fruit, in the form of Rose Hips. These are full of Vitamin C and flavonoids, compounds that help heal capillaries and reduce inflammation and heat (there’s that ‘soothing’ nature again!). The high levels of these compounds also suggest a role in helping fight a cold or infection, especially one with fever and restlessness of mind.

Don’t eat Rose Hips though, there’s lots of little hairs inside that can cause strife in one’s mouth and throat. Rather, steep them in hot water to make a pleasant tea.


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Thanks. This is the very first time and am reading about dog rose. Thanks for sharing this and for adding value to the steemit community.

No worries. Glad you appreciated it

Its a beautiful plant but wild.

I have a rose that i took a cutting from from the forest near my house. It didn't flower until the second year and when it did it produced lots of clusters of little white flowers that looked like your dog rose. The hips it produces are also tiny. It grows long and likes to creep on the fence.

I'll probably be good. The pics in my post were from a plant growing wild.

Are we talking about the same plant then?
How big are the hips?

Theyre about a centimeter long. Its hard to pick the exact soecies as they cross and hybridize easily (thats why there are so msny varueties for breeders).

Just try them and look around for plants that yield bigger hips, thats all I did over several seasons