Preparing Skin Mask at Home - busy
Cucumber mask for dry skin
In a large plate or the like, a medium sized cucumber, a soup spoon yogurt, some oat flour and a sweet spoon honey are mixed and brought to the consistency. This mash is applied to the skin in layers and left for 30 minutes. Rinse with water without using any soap or similar substance during rinsing.
Yogurt Mask for Oily Skin
Mix the yeast with a glass of yogurt and rub your face. You can wash it after waiting 5 minutes.
Banana Mask
Bananas both moisturize the face and make it look more beautiful by being tense against wrinkles. To prepare the banana mask, mix together ¼ water cup yogurt, 2 soup spoon honey and 1 medium size banana. After waiting 10 minutes on your skin, you can wash.