LeRoy’s Triathlon Training 2018 Year in Review

in #health6 years ago (edited)

LeRoy’s Triathlon Training 2018 Year in Review

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Triathlon Training

Historical Perspective

After finally recovering from an injury which prevented me from doing much serious training for many years, 2018 was finally a year when I was able to start rebuilding my fitness. The injury seemed to be similar to a sciatic nerve injury. It had been debilitating to the point where I was unable to stand or get out of bed for up to a week in excruciating pain. To heal myself form that sciatic issue, I used a combination of chiropractic intervention and craniosacral in order to get my body to a status where I was able to do yoga and to help myself. I practiced about 300-500 hours per year of a yoga therapy which I developed for myself. In 2017, I started ramping up my triathlon training. 2018 was finally a year when I was able to start rebuilding my fitness to Ironman levels which I had about ten years ago.


Annual hours

I successfully completed 3 months of base training at an equivalent of 368 hours/year. Then, I successfully completed 3 months of base training at an equiavalent of 403 hours/year. This is a good sign that I am well on my road to recovery and well into rebuilding my fitness towards Ironman levels which I had about ten years ago.

Season Goals

I did well with my primary goal. I completed 14 hours/week from swim, bike, run & yoga thoughout the year, including 18/hours week during the seven months, Apr-Oct. I feel great about my third goal of my health being vibrant and expanding.

Training Objectives

I did very well on 8 of my 9 objectives. I built distance progressively and substantially, far exceeding prior years. I did 300 hours of yoga, well distributed, including 7 hours dance (concentrated), 7 hours massage (distributed) and 9 hours chiropractic (concentrated). I ran 1200 km. I ran 40% barefoot, 600 km. I improved speed/technique. I increased mind/body awareness


I expanded my yoga therapy with the addition of handstand training.

Coaching Services

I offer services, including Triathlon Coaching, Health, Wellness and Fitness Coaching, Customized Training Plans, Weight Loss, Yoga, Goal Setting, Personal Training, Inversion Therapy, Ecoaerobics, Swim Instruction, Heart Rate Zone Training/Anlysis/Plans, Bicycle Fitting/Setup, Recovery Testing, Overtraining Recognition, Basal Pulse, pH Testing, Metabolic Rate, Ventilatory Threshold, Lactate Threshold, etc.


My specialties include Integrative Wellness, Fitting Fitness In (to your busy life), Scientific Approach To Fitness, Athletic Planning And Testing, Heart Rate Zone Training, Healing Through Raw Diet, etc.

I help people to

Have fun building vibrant fitness, Get the most out of your exercise and food, Optimize your exercise and food regimen, Release your inner athlete, Unleash your inner athlete, Discover the keys to nutrition and fitness, Create new habits according to your physiological adaptation, Train smarter, not harder, Learn how to fit fitness into your lifestyle, etc.

Please contact me with any questions about how I can help you with your fitness goals.


Who will you be when you unlock your potential?

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