CAUTION! Birth Control Pills Have Deadly Side Effects, Almost Killed a Woman!

in #health7 years ago

Lucy Powell, a student aged 22 years, survived a new-death experience after taking a birth control pill. The student, who lives in Brighton, could not breathe normally owing to the formation of blood clots in her lungs. Her lungs could not receive the oxygen-rich blood due to the consequent blocking of the artery that performs the function.


Notably, this saddening event took place after diagnosis the student has a pulmonary embolism. Based on the results of the diagnosis, her condition was attributed to the continued use of a contraceptive pill right from December 2016.

Her situation indicated the undeniable fact that taking pills is dangerous to the body. In fact, blood clots are the most serious side effect of birth control pills, as it could result in heart attack or even stroke. At the same time, blood clots are attributed to the emergence of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). The other risk linked to using the pill is breast cancer.


According to Lucy, the first instance she experienced a breathing problem was during Christmas. She soon became worried that something was seriously wrong with her. It took the persuasion of her friend for her to go to the hospital for a medical checkup. However, the medical practitioner misguidedly reassured her that she could only be having a chest infection, not a breathing problem. The doctors only prescribed antibiotics.


Apparently, the misdiagnosis that Lucy had chest infection aggravated her problem with breathing.

Her breathing did not improve even after the antibiotics prescription. Given that her condition did deteriorate, Lucy had to revisit the doctors. An ambulance was called the instant the doctors realized the seriousness of her breathing complications.


Parry, L. (2017, March 2). Student, 22, nearly dies weeks after starting the Pill after rare side-effect is mistaken for a chest infection. The Sun. Retrieved from The Sun

WARNING: Woman nearly dies due to the side effect of a birth control pill. (n.d.). Danified. Retrieved from Danified



This story tells me that not enough groundwork is done to establish the compatibility of a person with any substance provided for whatever reasons.

It is also at least part of the reason why vaccines can be deadly. The bull-headed 'one-size-fits-all' pro-cost-cutting paradigm results in 'collateral'.

Thank you for sharing this, but keep in mind that this story should be seen as a caution for what to look out for, not a reason to consider stopping birth control methods altogether (unless one does not trust one's partner to use such on his own part). :c)

Yeah! Women should not take this for granted. It would be much better to consult a Doctor before taking any pills or medicine.

yeah! women should be extra careful

Hi @leninquiblat ... It's never enjoyable to read about someone taking prescription drugs and subsequently suffering from such severe side effects.

I don't have a great deal of knowledge regarding birth control specifically, however, in regards to medical side effects, I know that such effects are always statistically unlikely to occur (in the U.K.).

Statistically speaking there is a change of such side effects occurring, however the probability of this happening is deemed minimal enough by clinical scientists and government etc, so the drug can be passed onto the general public.

I will say that the current methods of getting a drug approved and to market are somewhat sketchy and can be improved upon. There are a few good TED talks on this subject if you want to know more.

Although this person has suffered from such effects, there could be 1000 women (for example) out there who experience no side effects at all. Therefore, although severe, there is only a 0.1% chance that woman will experience these side effects.

I think the take away point from this is that, it's important for people who take medication to educate themselves about the substance they are about to take. Naively taking a medication prescribed to you is definitely something to avoid.

I totally agree with you @dr-physics people should understand to consult a specialist before taking any medication. Well, too bad that this girl belongs to that 0.1%. Thanks for dropping by, I'm following you now :)

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