Pumpkin honey

in #health6 years ago


Ding honey from foods with high nutritional values ​​and with its appearance in the fall we can enjoy many nutritional benefits that can protect us from diseases such as cancer, and the British site "Daily Mail" on the occasion of the emergence of honey pumpkin the most important reasons to make it the most important meals throughout the year, according to For the advice of British nutrition experts, ..

Weight loss..

Low-calorie and carbohydrate gourd, which can be used in all weight-loss diets, tastes like sweet potatoes. Nutritionists consider it a meal that helps satiety for a long time because it contains large amounts of fiber.

Keeps young skin ..

It contains high levels of beta carotene and other carotenoids that are responsible for young skin and make it bright all the time. Beta carotene contains vitamin A, which is the most important nutrient for healthy skin, to keep the skin in its fresh form. Long addition to reducing the appearance of signs of aging it.

It protects against cancer and Alzheimer's.

Pumpkin seed oil contains high levels of natural antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids as well as gamma tocopherol and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which makes pumpkin reduce inflammation and protects against certain cancers as well as activating the genes responsible for preventing the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Helps promote mood ..

The honeycomb contains magnesium and is involved in many chemical reactions in the brain that help improve mood, which helps in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Eye correction ..

The honeycomb contains vitamin A, which slows down the retinal function that occurs with age.

Regulates blood pump in the heart ..

Antioxidants in gourd have a protective effect for the whole body, including cardiovascular.

Helps strengthen the immune system ..

Contains vitamin A and C, a vital nutrient to maintain the health of the immune system, which is protected from winter diseases

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