Your Position...

in #health7 years ago


affects your health

and can even give insights into a persons personality.

Many studies have been conducted over the past century into the realm of sleep, so what have they revealed about our health and even our persona.

It is estimated that 40% of people sleep less than they should for optimal health. This poor sleep leaves them fatigued and at a greater risk for depression, weight gain, high blood pressure, and even a few chronic health conditions. So even if you are sleeping the recommended 7 to 8 hours a night, your position in bed may be challenging your health in unexpected ways. Your sleep position could be giving you back and neck pain, stomach troubles, even premature wrinkles.

The Positions

The Soldier

Or sleeping on your Back is the best position for the head, neck and back as the spine maintains a neutral position. It also helps with digestion and acid reflux by keeping the head elevated from the stomach. And as you age, the skin plasticity lessens so by not sleeping with pressure to the face reduces incidence of additional wrinkling. However increased snoring and danger for those with apnea (a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep)

Soldiers tend to be more quiet and reserved personas, they tend to also set very high standards for themselves and others.

Position: Lying on your back with both arms up.

The Starfish

Is akin to the Soldier position above where the head, neck and spine are supported in a nuetral position... maintaining the same health benefits and issues of snoring.

Starfishers tend to be better listeners more loyal in friendships as they’re always willing to offer help as they shy away from the limelight.

The Log

In this position a person sleeps on their side with both arms down by their side. This position keeps maintains a straight spine, which can help people prone to back pain. It is good for snoring, digestion and especially pregnant mothers (left side for better blood flow). A caution is that the head must be raised enough to maintain the neutral head and spine alignment, so a firmer or larger pillow is a good idea. It is however not as good for facial wrinkling or sagging breast issues.

Loggers seem to be more social and easygoing people, trusting anyone leaving them more vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

The Yearner

This sleeper is also on the side with both arms out in front. Again as in all side positions this helps alleviate some problems associated with acid reflux disease and sleep apnea, and the downfalls of wrinkling of the facial area and sagging breasts. It again is important to keep the head elevated to maintain that neutral spine.

Yearners are curious of new things, but tend to also be more suspicious and cynical, taking a longtime to make decisions they also tend to stick with.

The Fetus

This again is a side position where the body is curled up as a fetus. This is the most common sleeping position, as studies show over 40% of sleepers adopt this original position. However just because we were born that way does not mean it is the most beneficial as we age. All of the side sleeping issues mentioned in the above side positions hold true here with the additional cautions for those with arthritic knees hips and back. It also restricts breathing as the internal organs compress the diaphragm to yield a less restful sleep as well as oxygenation for the body during the repair cycle. Other organs are also impacted depending n which side you lay due to their position and origin in the body cavity (more on this later).

Fetal sleepers tend to display a tough persona outwardly, but more shy and sensitive internally. They are slower to warm up to people as well.

The Freefall Position

Is lying on your stomach with hands up around the pillow and head turned to one side... and it is good for digestion and decreases the chance of snoring. However it places you in a position where the spine is constantly flexed and not in a neutral position. This can lead to back and neck strain as well as pressure on the Sciatic Nerve.

Freefallers are most often the extroverted and friendly type, but possibly brash, taking criticism personally.

So there you have it

You can change your sleep habits for your health and possibly even your personality.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: IntelligentHQ



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