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in #health8 years ago

Yes Silver (Colloidal Silver) can protect you from illness, disease, injury and more.

But I am not going to write about the many incredible health aspects of silver today, but instead I will recount some situations I have had success with it throughout the years.

First let me say that I do not buy it, I make my own as I am sure of the quality and PPM. Not only that but it is incredibly inexpensive to make compared to purchasing it and there is no end to your supply.

Now I do not know the exact shelf life forcollodial silver, but as I use it all the time this is not a main concern.

So what successes have I had...

It started with an eye sty, I guess I am prone to them or am in contact with the infection, so I get them once every couple years. I know the feeling when they begin and all I do is spray colloidal silver int the eyes and within a day it is gone.

Athletes foot... I am a Martial Artist and I am contracted all over the world to teach seminars on Kyusho (attacking and Healing the Nerves). that involves many times being barefoot on mats and changing room floors. Needless to say that cleanliness in many countries is not always as good as one would hope. But as I always travel with a spray bottle of colloidal silver, I spray whenever I feel it is an issue... again a day and it is gone.

Burns...I have burned myself doing many things from cooking to soldering and again the fastest recovery possible with rapid pain dispersal to complete healing of the burn, I guess that is why the hospitals use it in burn clinics.

In fact the list goes on with personal use as well as for friends and family. The list of quickly treated or remedied issues is vast, from sore throats, earaches, bloody noses, cuts,etc.

So I am sold on it and never travel without it... I even use it in the planes I find myself in constantly as they are disease capsules. You can wipe down the arm rests as well as spray your eyes, ears, nose and throat... I've never gotten sick from a flight.

But one of the more intriguing ways I have used it was in an experiment with milk. I had heard the old story about milk preservation in the wagon train days, where they would keep the milk from spoiling by dropping a silver dollar in the milk. I found that actually incredible, so I tried it.

Using an old dime, pre 1965... shined and washed, I dropped it into a half gallon of milk and put the jug in the refrigerator along with another half gallon of "un-silvered" milk. After a number of days the untreated started to turn with a sour smell, but the silver treated remained fresh smelling. After 7 days the untreated was dumped and replaced... this continued for 5 weeks... amazing.

So Silver will protect you not only from financial calamity and inflation (currency devaluation), but also healthwise as well.

And if you have a bug out bag... make sure it has some silver coins.

Good Health - Evan Pantazi


This is completely new to me. Very interesting.

Kind of makes you think, are they preparing people subliminally for the turn?

PS. For further protection, if you look at the National Debt Clock at:

Look in the lower right hand corner you will see the valuations of Silver and
Gold to US dollars. Silver at $945.00.

Evan Pantazi

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