Learning Phases

in #health8 years ago


The Learning Triangle

There is a model of learning that was created decades ago depicting the average learning capability of man. It is called the "Learning Triangle" (Edgar Dale - 1969).

When you look at the triangle, it states all that come here just to read, learn only 10%... congratulations you are ahead of the masses that know less.

For those on YouTube, they have doubled that, learning 20%.
You can more than double that... just by actually discussing, questioning, commenting, debating and all right here on Steemit!

And actually demonstrating a point or technique helps you to take your lecture, reading and audio visual to retain 30%.

The discussion relates all of the above and can actually help you retain 50%. I have been holding a Kyusho forum since 1995, and I can attest that those who interacted did learn so much more (By the way my degree is is education).

So why do most just come here to learn 10% by only reading and upvoting? This can be more easily accomplished on Facebook, the home of the less educationally motivated.

And as always the hands on practice, not preaching is what helps you retain 75%...wow all that and the actual fun of it too! Sharing experiences rather that fiction... really means something!

Now the last step is the crucial one… instruction of the information you have learned, discussed practiced and retain brings it to 90% retention / assimilation.

However there is a caveat.. can you guess what it is?
Don't scroll down for the answer yet... it is better for you to try to figure it out as opposed to spoon feeding the information… just look at the triangle. Challenge helps people so that they unroot things for themselves (and learn more). Remember you do not remember very much of what is said… it takes discussion to help you remember and learn it to a greater extent.

It is this very intellectual process that makes interaction so incredibly powerful… as long as the interaction stays on topic or focus, as once you allow it to wander your mind is off that task and retention is soon faded or lost.

OK; The Caveat is that some folks never get to really teaching, they think they are yet all they do is present or demonstrate… that only yields 30% benefit.

I am not talking about a video as that by nature can only be a demonstration… I am talking about in a course… there are way too many that present or demonstrate not teach and in so they only show people how to reach that level 30%.

So we come full circle here and our readers will be happy and satisfied and retain only 10%… our interactive friends that will comment and discuss below, my congratulations you learned multiples more as you involved real time though and actions.

Yes we all want skill and if you teach correctly you can not help to gain skill. Teaching is not simply stating something, nor is it showing something… you must separate from the singular goal of self improvement and care more for the improvement of others. Remember some think they are teaching when in reality they are only preaching or showing what they can do. To think only about your personal skill is of course a choice, however the argument here is that each increased step in learning potential is interaction in increasingly less selfish directions.

People are attracted to flash and demonstration, they stay when learning.

We learn in 3 distinct phases:

Quantum Phase (ages 0 - 12)

When we are first born into the age of 12 we go through learning in a quantum phase, in which we absorb all things around us. Sights, sounds, ideas, methods, in short everything... it is exciting and new everyday. We accept all without question as we seek to experience all.. in this phase we develop the most crucial nuero connections that will shape the rest of our lives and possibilities.

Kyusho: It is the most crucial stage for a Kyusho practitioner as to what they are learning... and how.

Rebellious Phase (ages 12 - 24)

This is the phase that we rebel against information in the experimental aspect, we challenge all knowledge. As example someone tells you not to do something, you do it to validate for yourself as well as trying to seek your own individual path. Once we have ingrained all we accepted in the first stage we begin to rebel and seek our own individual ways... this leads to challenge, failure and success in a constant wave pattern. We are presented with a situation or challenge, we rebel against all others suggestion r guidance as we seek our own solution, sometimes in polar opposition.

Kyusho: People begin to reach out past the experienced instructors methods which is a great thing as long as they remain based in their. They must succeed or fail on their own otherwise the learning is not fully realized.

Professional Phase (ages 24 and on)

If we can get past the rebellious stage earlier we can then progress much further... however blindly accepting anothers' phase learning is not developing yourself to your full potential. This is where all the shaping of your past forms and how you develop into in this last stage. It is always possible to change, just a bit more difficult to break past the conditioning in this time frame. But this is where you stake all on your past education to forge your path.

Kyusho: This is where an individual will need to decide if this is a hobby, passion or direction in their life...if they will help others or simply themselves. And also it is where they decide to be more professional (not just monetary, but more procedural).. perpetuating or watering down the art of Kyusho.

The old method of "Apprentice" education is desperately needed again, breaking from the conditioning control of modern education and back to real learning.

Good Health - Evan Pantazi


This is a post to revisit and read from time to time.

"... some folks never get to really teaching, they think they are yet all they do is present or demonstrate… " is very true and added with "People are attracted to flash and demonstration, they stay when learning." explains why people enroll on something but leave soon.

Before the Cheetas come in... this is a reprint from my web sight www.kyusho.com

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