
in #health8 years ago (edited)


is also a direct result of stress and more the deeper occurrence of anxiety in one form or another, whether very prominent or subconscious. As a result this point, H-3 point as it releases the anxious feelings of insecurity and worry to allow you to sleep better (which in turn more fully relaxes the body and provides the restful sleep that rebuilds damaged body cells). Unchecked Insomnia and Anxiety can consequently instill quickened heart rate and high blood pressure with all the associated ailments thereof. Insomnia only makes our muscles tighten (causing extra fatigue and less mental acuity), but also raises the blood pressure making more internal stress on the bodies systems.

  1. Again we can use Heart 3 located on the forearm at just before the crook of the elbow (inside of Arm).
  2. With a finger or thumb, rub this point toward the hand (rub gently) for 2-3 minutes, typically you can feel the affects with just stretching the Ulna nerve 30 to 60 times .
  3. For deeper relief, work the Hiccup 1 recipe for the hiccups or labored breathing to relax the breath and allow it to become deeper.
  4. Finally release the emotional component or constricted, dry throat with the L-11 as in the throat level.

When do this or any Kyusho Remedy, having someone else apply the method to you will yield significantly better results. But the person must develop a touch that is acquired only through hands on practice. And although success with this remedy can be attained by using these points, a quicker and more complete remedy will come from using the points in the sequence presented here.

Learning this to help those who suffer from this malady is a richly rewarding endeavour.

  Good Health - Evan Pantazi  


Watch an video of the application for this simple insomnia recipe at:

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