
in #health8 years ago

A different approach...

Infertility plagues many a young couple to the point of worry and anxiety that only exacerbates the problem.

Anxiety, hidden or not is many times the issue, which many times can be helped with Holistic Health Methods (Kyusho).

Generalized summation:

As the stress or fear of child bearing affects the woman the muscles constrict in the lower thoracic area and several other parts of the body. These constrictions (please see early posts) in turn can compress the nerves of which in turn inhibit conception.

There is a two day (one hour each) treatment that releases these stressed areas that should be done three to five days before ovulation that will relax and rebalance the system.

In both sessions a generalized process is first used, then special selected focal points are employed in specific order to reset the autonomic system.

With over 300 successes in helping couples achieve their goals, it can not be coincidence.

Image Credit:

Good Health - Evan Pantazi


Male Fertility
"The enhancing overload caused by fluorides represents a potential factor, having an impact on function of sperm, hence contributing to a growing infertility in the human population.” (Animal Reproduction Science, 2008)

Male Fertility

Male infertility is responsible for about 50% of the fertility problems that couples face. Infertility in males is often the result of reduced sperm court, abnormal sperm quality (e.g., reduced motility and altered morphology), or altered levels of sex hormones (e.g., reduced testosterone). A review of over 100 studies of sperm density from 1938 to 1996 found that human sperm count has significantly declined in North America and Europe since the 1940s. (Swan 2000) While the causes of this decline are not entirely known, fluoride exposure — particularly from high-concentration topical fluoride gels — must be considered as one of the potential contributing factors.


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