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in #health7 years ago

Go Beyond


Wikipedia: An exoskeleton (from Greek έξω, éxō "outer" and σκελετός, skeletos "skeleton")

Now as humans we supposedly only have an Exoskeleton that serves to contain, support and protect several of our vital organs and structures... as well as serving as structure for muscle attachment and fulcrum type base, for transmitting muscular forces.


In Kyusho we begin to realize that our Exoskeleton is in many more layers.

Our first layer of protection is outside our exoskeleton, is our awareness and perception. We can sense, feel, see and hear danger approaching... this is the work of our nervous system, brain and energetic fields emitted from and beyond them like antenna or feelers. This is realized with our aura, senses, vision and that 'ol gut feeling.

Our second layer is our hair and skin. Yes, Hair even has a sensory function, whereas the slightest moment transmits sensory input to the nervous system. Think of walking next to the TV screen, your hair is statically drawn to the electrical field of the TV, not so much the head hair (unless long enough), but your body and arm hair in particular. Your skin also has sensory monitor capability and right after the hair has been in contact with, reads greater levels of information. With both of these structures there is a more complete accounting for the immediate sense of the feeling of touch or energetic fields. Additionally there is also sense reception at the level of the Dermis, from the network of nerve corpuscles within the fatty layers of the skin that also pick up on touch, temperature, pressure and/or vibration... that's a lot of sensing.

Our third layer is the nerve system itself, these are the larger transmitting peripheral nerves we associate most with Kyusho, Physiology and Functionality for motor skill capability. It is also a protective structural system, or shell if you will, that encompasses the entire body like a suit of armor for the blood vessels and organs. It also serves to transmit sensory input first to the brain to then relay action transmission (reflex) to the muscles in a subconscious coordinated process to withdraw the body from any external dangers... this protective suit is like an outer layer of protection or exoskeleton per say.

Going Further In

Now where people stop at scientific measurement and documentation, we must seek to break the barriers of old concept and limitation to reach new possibility. To enact Kyusho (for health, wellness, intimacy, protection, control and relations), we must understand all the possible protective layers and functions between ourselves and our goals. This is not just in the Martial Applications to defeat an opponent, it is also in gaining access beyond our automated protection systems that repels sensory inputs. Kyusho is finding the chink/s in the armor or outer protective shells in all our endeavors.

Our Exoskeletal protections and structures must be overridden to enable the extraordinary Kyusho effects (in all areas), of physiological manipulation. This is not a hit the dot (pressure point) mentality or type of process, this is a full understanding of the human... of ourselves.



Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: wikimedia, cgtrader, me


Very wonderful research you did , our body consist of so many layers , tissues and organs , it's crazy to think of how God has made us

Yes and the thing that is crazy is that people ignore and abuse it.
In my field (working with martial applications of nerve, blood and organ systems), many people try to use the acupuncture protocol to do the same thing, yet with far less effect and possibility. They focus on the man made theories rather than the god given realities.

We need to stop trying to change things and just leave them the way they are

Damm that was really well written in details good work @kyusho

Thanks, Just one of my jobs and passions.

nice post......upvoted and followed
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Thank you as it seems the deeper the information on the human body, the less the interest in it... kudos to you.

wow greatly defined and explained loved it. thanks for sharing this information
i'm glad that i learned something new today

Now the quest... of puting it to use.

Thank you.. love this <3

Thank you for reading it, I hope it brings you some value and worth.

great and interesting! upvoted.

Nice post i will upvote this post!
For follow me if you wants @kings-empire

I hope it brings you some worth.

Once again good and useful post from @kyusho
Wel done and I always like your posts..
Great work..

Thanks you.

It was really great to know all about this. Very well presented.

Thank you all the best on Steemit.

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