in #health8 years ago

Is Soy Healthy or Dangerous?

Some are and some are not....

Soy has been marketed as a wonderful health food product. Before we discuss the health benefits or fallacies, we need to break down the two main types of soy we consume, being; Fermented and Unfermented.


Typically it makes the food more digestable when you ferment the plant. That is because they add a good bacteria, that initiates an enzyme reaction using yeast and mold that work together in this process... virtually creating a new food.

Foods that are fermented are yougurts, cheeses, sauerkraut, etc.. and are a great source of Pro-Biotics
which increase intestinal health.

Fermented Soy

These foods have been consumed (andcreated) over thousands of years and can be beneficial (consumed in small amounts), some of these foods are:

  • Soy Sauce (Low Sodium)
  • Tofu
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
  • Natto


Unfremented Soy is very bad for the body as it alters your estrogen levels which can affect you at the level of your DNA. Estrogen can work to make things larger than normal like; cysts, tumors, fybroids, even cancer.

Hidden Danger

Unfermented Soy is hidden in baby foods, diet foods, protein bars, protein shakes, veggitarian meats (like veggie burgers) soy milk and myriads of other "Healthy Foods".

Anything labeled with Soy Proteins is bascially from soy powder that can bevery harmfull to the body. They are typically not labeled as GMO or Organic...that said, if they don't say it is organic, you are likely ingesting GMO Soy. (and that does not even account for increased pesticide poisoning).

Not only that, but livestock (not grass fed) are fed soymeal, the remainder of soy after the oil (soybean oil) has been extracted. You can wonder if they are using organic or pesticide GMO based soymeal feed.

Soybeans are poisonous when raw, consume only cooked and fermented soy foods.

Fermented Soy in small amounts is OK and may have some benefits... but stay clear of Unfremented Soy for your health and saftey.

Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: staticflickr, assets.epicurious, projectbodysmart, staticflickr


Excellent! Good work. I will be Following your posts :)

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