Central Headache

in #health8 years ago

There are two main locations that a headache will occur… either on the central aspect of the head or the lateral. Determining this will allow to quickly relieve the pain and the patient. If the headache is located on a lateral section of the head then the Gallbladder Meridian needs to be worked. If it is more on the central part then you will need to work on the Bladder Meridian.

A few important things to note are first that Pain is a concentrated block of energy and you must open the flowing again to its normal pattern to alleviate the pain. Second is that to break a blockage is much like opening a blocked drain in your sink. When you take a plunger you must push and pull to dislodge the obstruction. When using this concept for headache relief you will first introduce more energy (and pain) just prior to pulling it and releasing it. To release after the extra surge is introduce we will drain it from both sides of the block to assure the best release. Also once removed instruct the patient not to touch their head as it may re-introduce too much energy and they will regain their headache.

Central Headache – Is an energy block that lays on the Bladder meridian. The firstr of two main points that you will need to work with being the BL-10.

Place your hand on the patients forehead to hold as you press with your opposite hand from the back up and in at a 45 degree angle, into the both BL-10’s hard and hold for 3 seconds, then quickly release. Repeat this 3 times

The next part of the remedy is when you take your fingers, held as if making a peace sign and then quickly rub down both Bladder meridians next to the spine. This will draw the sensory nerve sensations down the back to relax the head and neck where the tension has built. Repeat this 3 times.

The next part of the process uses the BL-2’s and one at a time lightly flick a fingertip from under the eyebrow from point off the front of the brow.  This will relax the head and facial muscles relieving the pressure and constriction in this area.  

Repeat 3 times on each side. The above recipe should eliminate the headache completely, but occasionally you will need to repeat this for those more prone to this type of headache.  Also as an extra relaxation of muscles and to calm the nerves a bit more we can use a massaging action that pulls energy down the arms from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers.  This is done by lightly brushing down from the shoulder to the finger and off.  Start with the small finger side and work across one stroke at a time to finish with the thumb.  Repeat on both arms.

This headache remedy method may be repeated if necessary and when first learning may be needed.  But as you get the feel for the method and the concepts you will become better attuned and capable of completely relieving the individual with one application.

  Good Health - Evan Pantazi  

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