Calcium Carbonate Bad (Heart Attack Bad)?

in #health8 years ago

A Killer?

Calcium Carbonate is form of calcium, which is made of limestone... that's rock or stone folks. It is not meant for humans, you are better ingesting Calcium citrate, lactate, gluconate... but more on that later.

The Medical community is divided, with some saying Calcium Carbonate is bad,some say it is not yet conclusive... that's science and medicine...always keeping us on the fence. There are studies that even show, Calcium carbonate and vitamin D have no affect on the bones. And some state it can have bad affects on the heart and increases the risk of cardiovascular incident. This is because plaque in the arteries is primarily composed of calcium buildup... not cholesterol.

Since Calcium is very alkaline and to absorb it, your stomach acidity must be higher. Now our stomach acidity lowers substantially as we age... (ain't that special), this in turn brings down the PH of the blood as well making it more alkaline... which inhibits the absorption of calcium into tissue like bone and muscle... so it stays in the arteries... if it even makes it there with the help of Vitamin D.

So if calcium is not being absorbed by the bone or muscle, where does it go? It can go in many places like; on top of bones forming arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle cramping. Or it can end up in the joints as it develops into calcium deposits, heel spurs, etc.. It also can form as Cataracts on the eyes, kidney or gall bladder stones as well as hardening of the arteries (and severe blockage of the heart).

Calcium needs two transporter vitamins

Vitamin D takes calcium (not Carbonate) from the stomach into the blood, Vitamin K2 is what takes the calcium from the blood to the tissues of muscle and bone. Where can you find vitamin K2... here is a good article:

  • Grass-fed organic animal products (i.e. eggs, butter, dairy)
  • Fermented dairy like Yogurt, Cheese and Tofu
  • Certain fermented foods such as natto, or vegetables fermented using a starter culture of vitamin K2-producing bacteria. ...
  • Goose liver pâté
  • Certain cheeses such as Brie and Gouda (these two are particularly high in K2, containing about 75 mcg per ounce)

Vitamin F also aides this absorption (found in flax oil and cod liver oil) takes it into the tissues and bones it serves to balance out Vitamin D.

Everyone knows that Stress is a culprit of many a health issue as it not only increases cortisol, but actually also blocks the absorption of Vitamin D. It is difficult to get Vitamin D from food, except cod liver oil, but we can get it from the sun in only 10 - 15 minutes a day... so sorry to say you need to step back away from your computer... and get outside.

This lack of proper calcium and it's proper absorption is what makes people get stiffer as they age, or even develop stones (they are actually becoming one).

There are two main types of minerals, rock based or plant based. It is the plant based minerals we can absorb and gain benefit from, not the rock. So get your calcium from plant and fermented dairy (Not pasteurized milk as the heat in the pasteurization process actually destroys the absorption factor of the calcium), whole milk is fine as are cheeses and yogurts, nuts, green leafy vegetables.

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Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Most people are unaware of what they ingest... thanks @sellergenius

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