Breathe (part 3) through your feet...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Macro Cosmic Orbit - channeling ions

Positive Energy Ions enter our bodies from the atmosphere (especially the sun) enters through the top of layers of shin and fascia, especially the crown of the head) and travel through to the ground. Negative Energy is then repelled from the Earth up through our body from the feet.

This transfer is natural and unconscious so it is imperative we do not try to build or amass this extra energy during our exercises, but rather to allow the most efficient flow without impedance.

We are basically conduits as opposed to storage units and in fact the attempt to build or store this excess energy in a particular area, you subsequently diminish another, causing imbalance.

So what we are attempting to do throughout the Qigong, Yoga or Martial Art process is to open all channels to allow full transference with minimal impedance and to balance all body functions.


To accomplish this first we must consciously relax and experience the vibratory essence of this electric phenomenon as it passes through our bodies. To best experience and correctly transfer the positive charges we must learn to root or ground ourselves better. This was first accomplished via grounding through the perineum, but now we must learn and experience it through our feet.

So now from a standing position (with bare feet being best for energetic transmission - rubber soles the worst, but for another article), Breathe in and out through the nose, on inhale we relax the perineum and feel the energy travel down the front center-line of our bodies, cross at the perineum and allow the energy to transfer down the back of our legs and out the heel and bade of the foot. This is enhanced on each inhale as you lift the big toe to place more weight and grounding through this aspect of the feet.

By relaxing the perineum and anal sphincter on the inhale, the energy will transfer to the Sciatic nerve, then branching into the common fibular nerve. This nerve branches further into the Lateral sural cutaneous nerve where it extends down the side of the heal and foot to the small toe.

Energy Rising

To now allow (preferred but more difficult) or lift energy from the floor, we will use a physical action that is exercised at first until it becomes natural and automatic, we first drop the big toe back to the ground and slightly clench the toes and foot. This stimulates the Common plantar digital nerves of the middle three toes and further branches and stimulates the Medial Plantar nerve.

This then feeds into the Saphenous and then Femoral nerve on the inner leg and innervating the nerves of the Perineum. From there the energy rises up the center spine, up to the crown of the head as we inhale and repeat the full transition again, this is called the Micro Cosmic Orbit.

Full Expansion

After many repetitions or practice sessions with this process (please do not rush to the next stage until this stage is natural), it is time to expand the controlled energetic pathways, when we are bringing the energy up the spine.

As the energy is felt rising up the spine we will begin rolling our backs from the tailbone to the base of the skull. This releases pressure on inter coastal nerves that emanate from the spinal processes and allow greater neurological transfer to our peripheral nerves for greater motor function. As you roll (or straighten/ stretch) your spine and you reach the point between the shoulder blades you will also want and make sure that you stretch out the shoulder blades and roll the arms forward. What this does is it stretches the area out between the arms and allows the rising energy up to spine to then travel down the arms. So we will have the macro cosmic orbit traveling (in the helix form - explained in next article) down the arms as well.

As the energy travels in the nerves throughout the legs, torso and arms, the major nerves carry the energy first. But in succession each nerve branches into many other cutaneous nerves and nerve branches, so that not only are the main nerves stimulated and facilitated with energy rising or dropping, but all other nerves in the area as well... yes this takes time and consistency of practice. More to come...

Image Credit (feet): Berkeley Wellness

Good Health - Evan Pantazi


Glad to see this here! Thanks for sharing. Followed, and headed back through your previous posts. :)

I hope you find worth in the writings... thank you.

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