Back Pain and Sciatica

in #health8 years ago

According to estimates, 80 percent of Americans will experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime. A small number of patients will develop chronic or degenerative spinal disorders that can be disabling.   Men and women are equally affected by lower back pain, and most back pain occurs between the ages of 25 and 60. However, 12% to 26% of children and adolescents also suffer from low back pain.

Lumbar spine stenosis most commonly affects the middle-aged and elderly population. Entrapment of the cauda equina roots by hypertrophy of the osseous and soft tissue structures surrounding the lumbar spinal canal is often associated with incapacitating pain in the back and lower extremities, difficulty ambulating, leg paresthesias and weakness and, in severe cases, bowel or bladder disturbances.

Backaches can be caused by so many various outside as well as internal disruptions or influences.  Inactivity or sitting for long periods of time can put strain on the lower back muscles where as poor posture can cause difficulties for the mid back region.  Upper back pain is a direct affect from stress as the shoulder and neck muscles tighten and cause pulling on the supporting skeletal structures.

Although there are specific points for releasing the tension and pain from these specific areas, it is recommended that you release all of them for more complete remedy and relief.  Also bear in mind it will not correct the problem that caused the pain to begin with, so you would also be advised to understand what is causing this pain if it is recurring and make corrections to limit the base of the problem.

We start by releasing the lower back pain first and work up the back, as it is the most effective pattern.  The reason for this is that pain, being a blockage in the energetic system of the human body.  The brain is electrical by nature and sends electrical signals (via the nervous system), throughout the body to manifest all body functions.  The muscles tighten and from the nervous system initiating more electrical signal for contraction.  When too much energy is stopped in one area, the muscles tighten and pull against the supportive structures causing pain.  Now electricity, (even that in our bodies) always seeks the quickest path to the ground.  By first unlocking a main blockage point nearest the ground we promote this grounding effect that will ramify on the entire back of the body from a synergistic effect.

Bladder 60, is located between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone, just on top of the heal structure. Using a finger rub through the point from above toward the heal, this should be rubbed 30 to 60 times on each ankle. You will not that the side of the back that has the most pain or stiffness will have the most sensitive point. Start with gentle rubbing pressure and gradually build in intensity as this is a very sensitive point when a person has lower back pain.

If the person only has lower back pain this is sufficient to relieve it, however for any pain higher in the back multiple points will be required and always starting with BL-60.

BL-16, is lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6). This point should be pressed straight toward the spine with a penetrating pressure and held for 3 seconds. First press both BL-16 points firmly in straight toward the spine and hold for 3 seconds, then quickly release. Repeat this 3 times.

Each time you will feel the release of muscle tension and pain, this can relieve minor pain or stiffness in the mid back by itself, but for more complete relief or for more extreme pain and stiffness you must start with BL-60 as described.

TW-15, located two fingers down from the top of the trapezius muscle and one hand width from the spine at C-7 (this is the first larger spinal process where the neck vertebrae join the back vertebrae). This point should be firmly pressed down and in at a 45 degree angle toward the lung. First press both TW-15 points firmly in and hold for 3 seconds, then quickly release. Repeat this 3 times.

Each time you will feel the release of muscle tension and pain, this can relieve minor pain or stiffness in the Shoulders, neck and high back muscles by itself, but for more complete relief or for more extreme pain and stiffness you must start with BL-60, then to BL-16 and then to this point.

For the video of the application please visit:

Good Health - Evan Pantazi

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