Ayurvedic Medicine

in #health8 years ago

Evidence not Theory

3000+ years of evidence based medicine, not theoretical reduction based experimental models is what Ayurvedic practice is.

The sciences of TCM and Western Medicine seek to reduce health to separate and smaller pieces of the whole. Looking at cause and effect rather than taking the symbiotic aspects of nature into consideration.


Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the energetic qualities and flow throughout a brocade (woven cloth) of "Meridians" or energetic pathways.

It further seeks to reduce it further into specific "Acupuncture" points on those meridians for specific result.


Modern Western Medicine seeks to reduce health even further as it attempts to break life down to a cellular level.

Chemicals and processes are sought as well as developed to work from the core outward.


In these two models the theory is that we are the sum of parts that once treated will restore or affect the rest of the body into a healthy being again.


Ayurvedic method is the maintenace of balanced mind, body and spirit through meditation, exercise and diet (not weight loss types).

The focus is to maintain good health and correct simple health problems in harmony with nature. The herbs used in Ayurveda are used for a very wide variety of folk uses like to support mental focus and clarity, detox the body, reduce anxiety, and to improve digestion... to name but a few benefits.


As people of all cultures and countries awaken to the old ways once again, we will see foods and herbs, exercise and meditation come to the forefront.

We will understand we are what we eat, we become what we think and we will cherish what we accomplish.

Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: renegadepharmacist


Food is medicine, the body can't awaken from its deep sleep without healthy food, exercise and meditation. Thank you for sharinng.

A pleasure and a passion.

Thanks... there is no more important subject in my mind than our health and quality of life.

hi again one more very interesting post!
nice picture! also!
didn't the word cames from india?

Yes this is a name from the Indian culture.

But we must be careful not to readily label or acredit any particular culture or people.

There is evidence of these natural ways and practices that date back even further in history.

We do not know who originated thes natural ways, as they were all shared or passed down from a people, culture or entity we have not yet realized.

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