What causes damage to the spinal cord?

in #health6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Damages to the spinal cord can be triggered by several factors, however I shall touch on the most common ones.

First on my list is motor or vehicular accidents. Most people get severe spinal cord injuries from car and moto accidents which sometimes lead to paralysis or certain lifetime disabilities. Another cause is the act of violence. A significant number of people break their spinal cord through fierce fights and violent acts such as knife stabbings and also through gunshots. For older people, simply falling from the stairs or a higher object can cause injuries to their backbone due to how fragile their bodies are. Finally, certain sporting activities can also contribute to spinal cord injuries. Example is swimming. Diving wrongfully into a pool with a bad posture can cause severe damages to one spinal cord as well as the whole body. Also, of course, certain disease like cancer can also damage the backbone.

On this note, I would recommend anyone experiencing any pains in his or her back to see a medical professionals as soon as possible.

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