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RE: Why You Are Sick

in #health8 years ago

I agree mostly but contentment is not happiness. Contentment is to be content (satisfied to the least amount in the shortest time possible); happiness is to embrace a joyous lifestyle and/or mentality (satisfied to the highest degree over the longest period of time). I don't have time to research articles to write them to the grade I deem appropriate so that is why you shall see no research articles from me and a long line of winded comments. I want to partake in the debate, but time constraints limit being the speaker. For now a enjoy playing the respondent.


Lol. You cannot simply redefine words based on your own interpretation of them... Content is effectively synonymous with happy, so I meant exactly what you described as happiness, when I used the word content.

In many cases, it takes as long to write a fruitful comment as it does a short post. And there needn't be research involved if you are merely sharing your own thoughts; like in the comment you initially posted here.

Steemit seems to be rather appreciative of a bit of philosophy at times.

It was just google search of the words. Not thoughts. Anybody can google search so I don't feel that need to be copyrighted. Is google search engine a source or is it a resource? I don't know. I get their images are copyrighted but the evolution of language is that also copyrighted by google? Probably. Anytime you put a word into google say any word at all and write meaning after the word it pops up the full meaning, translation, source, and foundation of the word. Everyone knows that so that's what I did to show you an easier way if you were using a dictionary or tracing words through another context.

Forgive me, but I am not entirely sure what you are getting at.

I would say the definition of any given is word is determined by an involuntary consensus between the population or culture that uses it. Whatever most people interpret it as, is what it should mean, which is why the definition of words needs to be updated in dictionaries at times.

Your comment about the definition inspired me to check google myself in order to ensure I was not misusing the word, and I found that I was not. So, I am unsure of where you are finding this definition of content that you shared with me, but I am unable to find it, and you are the first I have known to understand it to mean what you claimed it means.

The number one definition for content is "a state of peaceful happiness." This is exactly what most people want, and that's why I used the word, whether I remembered the exact definition or not. There is no mention of a time frame to suggest that content is short lived whilst happiness is long term, so I can only assume you added that part to the definition on your own. Hence why I thought you were redefining the word.

image ![image] see content to be satisfied with the quality but want for more. Look up happy and it is to be satisfied with both the quantity and quality without the want of more. Contentment is on the bottom rung of the happy meter. If you were to rate your happy one to ten it would be 1 for content and 10 for bliss. The words are not interchangeable. They have very different meanings. I don't want to be content in life... because that's to be in the lowest optimum of joyous living. Good wishes for you sent. Think of sadness we have the blues, Ruts, depression, deep depression, and suicide. If you say someone that committed suicide had a mere case of the blues you would be wrong. Same applies to the otherside of the matrix: to say someone that is in a state of contentment is blissfully happy is wrong. Contentment=euphoria I think not. Best day to you.

Okay. Now I understand the problem. You are essentially using a different word, although it is spelled in the same manner.

The word content, within the context I used it in my article, was an adjective. This adjective means a state of peaceful happiness, which if anything is even better than happiness in itself.

You are referring to the verb content. That's a completely different word with an entirely different meaning. That word means, "to settle for less," to put it in simple terms.

It's like if you went to a bar and wanted some Jack Daniel's, but the bartender told you there is none left. You would then content yourself by ordering a Captain Morgan's instead. You're happy with it, but it's not what you initially wanted.

I hope this clarifies things.

Edit: I just read the end of your comment and I must inform you, that once again you are incorrect.

to say someone that is in a state of contentment is blissfully happy is wrong.

The word contentment is tied to the noun content, not the verb, and thus, it means exactly what you think it does not.

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