How to improve your memory

in #health6 years ago


Follow a balanced diet
Do not you think that the car is able to go with an empty fuel tank? Similarly, your brain can not function at the optimal level without the necessary "fuel".

By making three balanced meals a day, you give the brain what it needs: "fuel", the right building material for optimal performance. This is the most basic thing you can do to develop memory.

Train your memory
Your body is the result of millions of years of evolution. To maintain the body in optimal condition, you need constant training. Your distant ancestors did not lie all day on the couch.

With the help of training, you help your body and brain maintain the functions of all systems and organs at an optimal level. Through exercise, you improve the performance of the cardiovascular system, metabolism and the supply of nutrients to the brain. Physical activity provides a good night's sleep and minimizes possible stress throughout the day. While maintaining the exercise, you will save a clear mind and remember everything you need.


Get enough sleep
To make the most of your memorization skills, you must be calm and considerate. The main way to properly configure memory is to sleep enough.

With a lack of sleep, you are unable to maintain the necessary concentration to code the desired. Attention is the gate of memory. If you can not keep concentration of attention, the gate will not open. Keep the gate open, relax and sleep enough.

Any unusual, strange or absurd thing is remembered better than usual. For example, color and motion contribute to fixing information in memory. It is much easier to remember the contents of a film than books, text underlined by color lines than plain text. Come up with bright auxiliary parts - for example, put the ring on another finger or tie a knot on the kerchief.

Develop concentration of attention
Attention is extremely important for memory. Concentrate to remember something. In the absence of attention, you will not be able to transfer short-term memories to long-term memory. Do everything possible to increase concentration. Do not do multiple tasks at the same time and do not jump from one activity to another.

Try to focus on some kind of activity, gradually increasing the duration.

Build associations
The brain consists of many systems that provide different ways of coding memories. Using several systems to encode information, you enrich your memory and make it easier to memorize.


The more ways you can remember something, the higher the chances that you will remember it.


excellent friend. You have all my support, I hope you support me to keep growing

Good post. Really informative. Im gonna try it to improve my memory

Nice post. There are some great effects just by adding to diet some omega acids and healthy fats like those from avocado or olive. Training your brain is still great way to improve memory. Cheers

Great post dear. Thank you for sharing.

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