Side effects of chemotherapy: attenuated by a milk protein

in #health6 years ago

Chemotherapy can wreak havoc on your taste buds and olfactory senses, depriving you of the complex and essential interaction between taste and smell to appreciate foods.

Having personally had the opportunity to be treated for several years with chemotherapy, I confirm for those who do not know the effects.

The side effects of chemotherapy on taste and smell are incredibly frustrating and unpleasant, even depressing.

Over time, abnormal taste and smell can lead to loss of appetite and anorexic behavior, compromising patients' ability to recover. At this level, the consumption of plants and the use of aromatherapy complemented me greatly to pass the course.

To address this problem of chemotherapy's side effects on taste and smell, researchers have studied the feasibility of lactoferrin, a highly bioactive protein found in saliva and milk, as a treatment.

The results of this study are published in the journal Food & Function of August 28, 2018.


Patients on cancer treatment face a number of well-documented side effects. The results of this study could relieve millions of patients undergoing treatment for cancer.

Chemotherapy and other anti-cancer treatments can wreak havoc on taste buds and olfactory senses.

"Taste and smell disorders affect safety and quality of life. This results in an inability to recognize the smell of burning, gas or spoiled food, a decrease in libido and sometimes even a depressive state, not to mention the loss of flavor of food and difficulty cooking. "

In a new article published in the journal Food & Function, researchers investigated the feasibility of lactoferrin and their findings could relieve millions of patients.

Taste disorders (ageusia) and smell (anosmia) are quite common in patients receiving chemotherapy. It may be noted that these disorders, which may appear secondary, affect the lives of patients quite deeply.

Although these disorders regress after the end of treatment, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not well understood.


The dominant symptom described by chemotherapy patients is persistent metallic taste or taste, with or without food.

This can take hours, weeks, or even months after treatment ends.

As a result, cancer patients suffer from a lack of appetite, weight loss, depression and reduced nutrition, thus hindering recovery.

Although this disorder is widespread and common in cancer patients, there has been no established treatment to date to reliably prevent or treat this problem.


This new research shows that daily supplementation with lactoferrin causes changes in salivary protein profiles in cancer patients - changes that may affect taste buds protection and odor perception.

By suggesting lactoferrin as a dietary supplement, it is possible to reduce this disorder for many patients, allowing them to enjoy foods at a time when nutrition can play a key role in their recovery.

The researchers say, "This research could help us develop targeted strategies and biomarkers to improve the quality of life during chemotherapy. Cancer patients and their families and supportive friends can once again find solace by enjoying a meal together. "

The role of lactoferrin, a milk-specific protein, in reducing the metallic flavor stimulated by chemotherapy drugs had previously been identified.

The substance is well known as a first-line defense, contributing to the body's immune response, but little is known about its ability to act on salivary proteins.

This new study builds on the previous corpus by applying lactoferrin supplements to treat taste and smell abnormalities.

Finally, the team's results will allow cancer patients to taste better food and have a healthier appetite, which will enable more optimal nutrition during a critical recovery period.

Lactoferrin supplementation also enhances the expression of salivary immune proteins, which can help reduce oxidative stress and the resulting side effects. Oral infections, such as lily of the valley, can also be diminished.


Interesting information, today there are many people who go through these events of chemotherapy and would benefit from this protein, which would allow them a better recovery and a better taste for the meals or diets required

good information about health.

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