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RE: Keto & fasting 3 – Introduction to meal spacing and fasting

in #health6 years ago

I've often thought keto sounded a bit extreme, though helpful for certain conditions. And if we were metabolically flexible, we wouldn't need to follow such a rigid pattern. Once we get some level of health back, I imagine you can go in and out of ketosis at different times and your body would be able to adapt.

But fasting has much more history, so spacing our meals a bit better makes so much sense to me. And like you say, once you start to actually recognise true hunger, and eating more appropriately, then you naturally fall into a rhythm of eating less often.

I used to do a presentation I called Overfed and Undernourished. Stuffed yet Starving is a neater way of saying the same thing.

You're welcome, re the support. I hope things work out for you both. So far, with the very zen attitude of trusting that you will be provided for, that has happened. So fingers crossed that continues.

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