7 Easy Steps to Make Your Body Slim and Trim

in #health7 years ago

Melt your fat and look gorgeous. Get used to the following seven habits and transform your body.

1. Eat Every 4 Hours

Starving yourself won’t do any good. What you need to melt fat is to speed up your metabolism. One of the ways to do so is to start eating more frequently. Never go without food for longer than four hours. Have something every 3-4 hours. Your body needs a constant delivery of fuel. You need energy to feel good. Eating once a day is no option at all. It is exhausting and you won’t be able to think about anything else but unhealthy snacks.

2. Slow down

Too much of good stuff is not a good idea. Don't overdo the positive changes you have made so far. Even though seeds, nuts, avocadoes and olive oil belong to healthy fats, do not consume too much of any since each of these products contains lots of calories. Excess calories accumulate, pile up and store in your body as fat. Calorie awareness is advised. You should know how much fat you need per day. Have a scale in the kitchen and do not trust your eyes – fats weigh little but they are calorie-dense.

3. Carbs Are No Evil

There is absolutely no need to be afraid of carbs. Most dieters believe that the amount of carbohydrates should be limited. This is only partly true. The point is to keep track of what kind of carbs you consume. Their quality matters a lot. Do not remove carbs from your menu. This component is vital and you need them to help your body burn fat. Opt for the right kind of carbohydrates and avoid simple carbs that come from cookies, junk food, sweets, dried fruits and sodas.

4. The Importance of Strength Training

Women need muscle to burn fat more intensively. Cardio training burns fat. It also burn muscles. In order to develop and grow your lean body mass, we suggest you should practice weight training. This kind of activity helps your body burn lots of fat even after your workout session is over. Do not worry – you will not bulk up. The result will be awesome! You will look lean, trim, toned up and strong. Do some resistance training and boost your metabolism. Cardio training mixed with weight lifting is the quickest way toward a nicely looking figure.

5. Hydration Helps to Promote Fat Loss

It’s easier to lose fat when you stay hydrated. No other drinks can replace plain water. Coffee, tea, alcohol and sodas do not count. Your body functions well only if you give it pure water. Water boosts metabolism and promotes fat loss. Each of your body cells starts burning fats. People who do not drink plenty of water experience unhealthy cravings, fatigue and dehydration. The more severely your body is dehydrated, the less fat you lose.

6. Morning Exercises Influence the Fat Burning Process

This tip is just another good habit you should get used to. It does not matter how long it takes you to warm up – the point is to keep doing morning exercises on a regular basis. Do not skip it since workout is one of the most essential parts of your daily routine. Choose something that you enjoy doing. You can stay active either inside or outside. Before having breakfast you should make your metabolism function more rapidly. Fasting for at least 8 hours (while you sleep at night) and then doing yoga, jogging, stretching or fast walking fills your lungs and blood with oxygen. And the best fuel that oxygen burns is fat!

7. Workout First – Snack Next

Forget loading up on carbs before going to the gym. It will never help you slim down. Avoid carbs at least an hour before doing exercises. The worst types of carbs that prevent weight loss would be carbohydrates with high glycemic index. Carbs with a high GI make your body release insulin. If this occurs, then you cannot utilize fat as the main fuel. The enzymes responsible for weight loss are suppressed by insulin. If you feel hungry before exercising, have a snack consisting of protein.

Sources : http://trendyw.com/health-beauty/7-easy-steps-to-make-your-body-slim-and-trim

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