Shake for diabetssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Hi guys, I'm here to bring a recipe for a very good and very popular shake in my country.
Good for people with diabetes it helps a lot also in diabetes prevention my mom makes use of it everyday and it comes helped in her health


First of all I will speak because this shake is very good what makes it effective against diabetes.
There are studies that bought that vitamin "K" and a great ally against diabetes helping in prevention by increasing insulin sensitivity, vitamin K reduces the need for these hormones and allows a better control of blood glucose level.
All verder leaves are rich in vitamin K, especially cabbage and cabbage and spinach. Broccoli, watercress and chicory, abundant sources of vitamin k.

Ingredients and method of preparation:

For a portion of 250 ml

1 cup cabbage without stem or cabbage
1 cup spinach (about 30 grams)
1 apple (seeds)
2 tablespoons lemon (about 30 grams)
To prepare and very easy just pass all the ingredients in the blender processor
And after that add the lemon juice and it is ready = D

                                                                 *Portuguese translation*

Ola galera bom venho trazer uma receita de um shake muito bom e muito popular em meu pais
bom para pessoas com diabetes ele ajuda muito também na prevenção da diabetes minha mãe faz uso dele todos os dias e isso vem ajudado na saude dela

Antes de mais nada irei falar porque esse shake e muito bom oque faz ele ser eficaz contra diabetes .
Existem estudos que comprava que a vitamina "K" e um grande aliado contra a diabete ajudando na prevenção ao aumentar a sensibilidade à insulina, a vitamina K reduz a necessidade desses hormônio e permite um melhor controle do nível de glicose no sangue .
Todas as folhas verder são ricas em vitamina K , especialmente couve e repolho e o espinafre. o brócoli , agrião e a chicória, fontes abundante de vitamina k .

ingredientes e modo de preparo:

para uma porção de 250 ml

1 xícara de couve sem talo ou repolho
1 xícara de espinafre (cerca de 30 gramas )
1 maçã ( sementes )
2 colheres de sopa de limão (cerca de 30 grams)
para preparar e muito fácil apenas passa todos os ingredientes no processador liquidificador
e apos isso adicionar o suco de limão e esta pronto =D


Everything is healthy and good :)

This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing @kingoflex Upvoted and following. Looking forward to more healthy recipes !!

Thank you for the comment, I intend to bring more content of this type because my mother knows more shakes that she takes and are very healthy ...

That's wonderful and works for me, my husband and I love healthy, clean living !! Thank you, looking forward to more posts.

Great post, many HEALTHY ways to prevent and/or beat disease! Upvoted!

I am very grateful for my post, and yes it is very good and healthy shake

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