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RE: What Are EMFs, How Do They Work, & Why Do They Matter?

in #health7 years ago

Genetics is not the cause of disease. Genetics may give you a predisposition to be more effected by some things than others but it DOES NOT mean you will get cancer. I can say with 100% certainty that I will never have cancer because of the lifestyle I now lead. And my body was the perfect breeding ground for things such as cancer before I changed. The majority of people know nothing about genetics and it is an easy scapegoat when doctors either don't know the cause of an issue or they refuse to implicate other things that don't fall in line with what they are taught by the corporations that rule the world.


I would really like you to be right. Then people would have a real chance to find a solution to the incidence of cancer. But, unfortunately, the real statistics indicate the opposite.
It seems to everyone that earlier, when people ate healthy food, led a healthier lifestyle, breathed not polluted air, the incidence of cancer was low. But this is not so. Just now the principles of diagnosis have changed. And what was previously diagnosed as a vice or a critical disorder in the work of one of the organs, and perhaps just old age, is now diagnosed as cancer. Technical progress allows you to look a little deeper into the body than before.
Malignant formations have been accompanying the human race since its inception. And it's not about nutrition or air, but about genetic predisposition. In certain code errors of our DNA.

The statistics you are speaking of are created based off a very narrow window of information provided by western medicine. How many oncologist do you know that ask a patient their nutritional and exercise history upon telling them that they have cancer? They don't, they ask about family history because they believe that genetics are the only cause they can wrap their minds around from a scientific base. Which is very ironic and sad since the father of medicine himself, whom supposedly physicians follow at least a few things he says, was the biggest believer in the fact that food was medicine and medicine was food. Ask any of these doctors that you know how much training they have initially and then each following year of their practice that pertains strictly to nutrition of the body and how to use natural methods like food to heal it. Last time I check it was less than 30 HOURS of training for an entire medical career. The thought is beyond disgusting these people should even be allowed to give advise when it comes to diseases like cancer that are based on lifestyle. I'm sure when questioning these people with "healthy" lifestyles that you speak of I could find at least a dozen things that would have contributed to their cancer that had nothing to do with genetics. I would highly suggest you read at least one book to start called Cancer Killers: The cause is the cure. It was written by a doctor who had a giant ball size tumor in his head and forsake the western medical community to actually heal himself by changing his life when he was barely a step away from death. Not only is it possible to cure cancer but it is more than possible to completely prevent it in the first place. Cancer is just your bodies response to carcinogens that built to too high of levels and start to threaten major organs or systems. We all have cancer cells in our body - but not all of us develop cancer. Cancer cell clusters only form tumors because the body is trying to protect itself. Our bodies will always do what they can to protect us - they do not turn against us develop disease to hurt us. Disease can NOT exist in a healthy body - plain and simple. And that is why people that have tumors removed via surgery or radiation most of the time redevelop cancer even more aggressively than the first time is because the body is still trying to warn you that the lifestyle and what you are exposing yourself too is causing issues. Many people don't survive the second time because they have already weakened their body with surgery or radiation. I would honestly love to discuss this further so if you would like to put me in contact with any of those "healthy" people you know with cancer that would be wonderful.

Sorry of course, but the father of medicine Abu Ali Ibn Sino or Avicenna said that any poison is a medicine and any medicine is a poison. The question is only in dosage. He never spoke about food in this way. Believe me, I lived in Central Asia and visited many places connected with his activities.
Despite your arguments, I will remain at my opinion about genetics and genetic predisposition. Otherwise, mankind would have already conquered cancer, as it once won smallpox. Thousands of people would not die and scientists would stop working in the laboratories to create medicines.
What could be easier - advise people to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat the right food and hide from electromagnetic radiation!
But, unfortunately, everything will continue. Because the causes of the disease are much deeper than the apologists of a healthy lifestyle believe. Although they can not accept it. But look at the statistical majority of people on the planet, whether they lead a healthy lifestyle or not. Where will they go in case of a malaise or more serious problems with the body?
Certainly to the hospital, for QUALIFIED medical help.
And after putting on tests for oncology, having received a positive answer, which one of them will go to hide from electromagnetic radiation and eat healthy food while wandering barefoot on the ground? I think that this will be done by 2-3 people out of a thousand. And, surprisingly, their result will be more lamentable than the result of humans in time past chemotherapy or surgical removal of the tumor.
I am always touched by the idealists. It is a pity that the ideal is never achieved.

It is quite alright because eventually it will only be the 2-3 people that choose that lifestyle who will live and the other 998 - 997 will no longer exist and then we won't have the issues we face currently tearing our world apart. :-)

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