Benefits of olive leaves for health and body

in #health7 years ago

For centuries, herbal remedies have been used for the prevention of various diseases. These treatments are the olive leaf, which has been discovered by many of its health secrets, which we offer you in detail. Olive leaves have been used as a treatment for cold, many common diseases such as malaria and fever and their regular use in preventive medicine.

This is due to the high nutritional value found in the olive leaves, which contains antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. In ancient times they used the olive tree in many aspects of life, such as the use of olive oil to illuminate the lamps, cleanse and moisturize the skin and cook food. The use of olive tree wood in sculpture and the use of olive leaves as a medicine to cure common diseases and maintain their health, such as the treatment of fever, healing wounds, etc.

  • Benefits of olive leaves

1. Anti-oxidant: You can get a lot of antioxidants found in olive leaves, including vitamin C, vitamin E and phenols. These substances are very effective in the treatment of diseases related to damage of free radicals and oxidation and neutralize the effect where free radicals damage the process of DNA creation and the occurrence of acid damage In the cells and lead to various diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer, aging symptoms and protection of the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

2. Antibacterial, fungus, viruses. The results of the studies indicate that the olive leaves have an antibacterial effect against a number of common bacteria that cause the disease in many individuals, including helical bacteria, which cause gastric ulcers, drugs and bacteria that cause severe infections. Eating olive leaves directly helps reduce some bacterial infections.

The antiviral effects of olive leaves have been shown against a number of human viruses, including those that cause cold, flu, cold sores, herpes, HIV, even when ingested by oral leaves. It is also effective in the treatment of yeast infections and fungal skin diseases .

3. Cancer prevention: Olive leaves have an anti-skin cancer effect and can help treat the tumor at a later stage. Studies have also shown that it has preventive abilities against breast cancer and breast tissue regeneration.

4. Olive leaf works to build bone: A Spanish study found in 2011 that the chemical component oleuropein stimulates the production of bone-building cells and thus prevent loss of bone density and fight osteoporosis.

5. Reduce blood pressure: Studies have shown that olive leaves helped improve blood flow to coronary blood vessels in the heart and the ability to lower blood pressure. The oleuropein compound relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots in vessels. In addition, olive paper regulates heartbeat and improves blood flow.

6. Olive leaf and cholesterol fighting: In addition to all the benefits mentioned above, olive leaves are fighting the formation of harmful cholesterol in the blood by preventing oxidation and non-deposition of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

7. Olive leaf possesses anti-inflammatory properties: One of the most common uses of olive leaves is that it helps in the healing of various infections. It has antimicrobial activity due to oleuropein compound which reduces and improves inflammation.

8. Improving the immune system: Olive leaf has been used since ancient times to improve the health of the immune system and enhance its performance to resist the body's invasive organisms. Studies have shown that the liquid extracted from olive leaves has high antioxidant capacity and works to improve the health of the immune system.

10. Cold treatment: olive leaves work well to resist various viruses and very effective in the prevention of viral diseases, which often need to home remedies to obtain positive results and among these viral diseases Herpes, cold.

11. Treatment of many other diseases: Olive leaves fight bacteria, viruses and fungal infections and are very effective in the treatment of various diseases such as malaria, polio, psoriasis, allergies, colds, tuberculosis, liver infections, teeth and ears and chronic fatigue.

12. Health of the digestive system: Olive leaves contain vitamin E and monounsaturated fats and these elements in the reduction of colon cancer because it reduces the effect of free radicals on the body and the prevention of gastric ulcer and inflammation of the various digestive system. Monounsaturated fats stimulate the secretion of gallbladder and prevent the formation of gallstones.

13. Useful to improve vision: 1Olive leaves are rich in vitamin A, which doctors advise to eat regularly to improve the health of the retina and prevent various diseases, including cataracts, prevention of macular degeneration, blue water formation and most diseases associated with the symptoms of aging.

14. Treatment of anemia: Olive leaves are rich in iron, which carries oxygen to red blood cells and in the case of iron deficiency will not be able to produce enough energy levels for the body to function effectively is an essential element for the production of enzymes and carnitine acid, which improves the immune system.

15. Reduce the pain: olive leaves contain oleuropein compound and this article reduces the pain of headaches and headaches and thus increase comfort and relaxation.

16. Fat burning: Olive leaves increase the rate of fat burning, especially when processing tea olive leaves, because the compound oleuropein increases the level of thermogenin in the body, which allows the body to increase fat burning faster. Studies have also shown that increasing thyroid hormone and adrenaline helps improve digestion.

17. Regulates the level of blood sugar: Research has shown that olive leaves reduce the level of sugar in the blood and the ability to lower the level of insulin and increase the production of insulin in the pancreas.

  • How to prepare olive leaf tea

You can get olive leaves or olive leaf powder from health stores or buy it in the form of liquid or capsules. If you have fresh olive leaves, you can make tea and olive bars and eat it in the morning.

At first, the olive leaves are dried in the oven at a low temperature of 65 ° C. The leaves are then crushed and the stems removed. Place one of the leaves of olive leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 - 15 minutes and then clean the mixture thoroughly and take three cups a day. The taste of olive leaf tea may be very bitter, so we recommend that you add a pinch of honey and take this tea to avoid stomach irritation.

  • side effects :

Olive leaves are a security element but can interfere with some chemotherapy drugs. In addition, it is not suitable for individuals who suffer from low blood pressure. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking it.

The evidence shows that olive leaves have a marked effect on blood pressure, heart disease, protection against chronic diseases associated with aging, and control of diabetes, neurological diseases, stroke and arthritis.

                                         Thank you for visiting my blog  @katy-adelson   


very interesting
can you eat the leaves raw? must it be made into tea or can you add leaves to stews/curries etc??

Very useful information, thanks for sharing

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