Economic graph of the day #4. How healthy are your habits?

in #health7 years ago

Hey everyone!

Healthy lifestyle is major trend nowadays. More and more people around the world understand that to enjoy healthy living - particulary in older ages - one needs to eat and drink healthy, doing sports and so on. Moreover, it's qiute a strange to millenials that their parents didn't get it and lived quite an unhealthy life not controling what their ate and hoow much they weighted.

To quantify this trend here are some numbers

More than 20% of respondents globally are on diet, from 15% to 30% control how much of various unhealthy products they consume. One third of population right now employ proactive approach to their health rather than reactive! Isn't it an amazing fact?

Now, please tell me, how healthy are your habits?
Do you control how much fat or sugar you eat?

See you next time!


The corporations in control of the vast majority of the food supply collude with the medical industry to make people sick via terrible nutrition & pharmaceutical torture. Thanks to the internet, some of the younger generation has woken up to this. But it is a terribly addicting double edged sword reinforced through mass media programming & economic policies, so even when people know they are being preyed on, they can do very little to protect themselves.

Education & exposure will be key to getting our health back. Big money plays the long game, we have to do the same

Okay, your child get diabetes because of too much happy meals.
Who is to blame in this situation - McCorp or you, the parents?

Corporation is maximizing profits by any means possible including invention of more and more junk food and lobbism. It's your task to monitor your health and health of your society as a whole.

corporations intentionally selling harmful addicting foods are to blame. As are governments that let them behave this way. As are parents who don’t educate themselves on nutrition. The kid gets screwed the worst, set up for a lifetime of battling cravings & seeing garbage addicting food everywhere.

I’m guessing We are both educated & intelligent. Many many people are not & will eat what is cheapest, most available & filling. Pretty hard for some people to educate themselves on how to eat good food, when they are exhausted from working multiple jobs just to try to pay rent & afford a few “happy” meals. The system is rigged to keep the lower classes in sickness & poverty. If you are lucky, you may avoid the traps

But of course you are right. Nobody is interested in your health more than you! )

I think you forget health-focuset weareable gadgets.
Is there any data how they could help?

I'm afraid I don't posses such data ATM.
Will search.

Aprecciate your input!

I try to follow a healthy lifestyle. I'm cooking the "right" food for my family. I pay attention to the composition of the products I buy in the store. I try not to buy products that contain artificial additives.
Perhaps I should have reduced the amount of sugar and fat in my food! Proper nutrition is very important for maintaining health!

Old chinese saying - most of your problems lie on the bottom of your plate.

I do not control how much I eat and what. And I feel great. In general, I do not understand how you can refuse yourself a delicious meal.

Even McMeal?

You are essentially choose short-term reward over long-term health. I'm sorry but you are pretty bad investor. :)

We live once, and I want to try all yum.))))

I don't control - no any monitoring.
But I eat as it means near the "Russian diet table #5" as average food for me.

P.S. Correct in the text "hoow" ;)

Ahhhh... these misprints killing me

But you still didn't correct it.

Yes, I have a little control over the quality of my food. For example, I do not buy very cheap products. I think they can contain a lot of harmful components. Also I try to eat less fried and fast food. I don't add sugar to tea or coffee.

Do you check compounds of food you buy?
Do you avoid junk compounds like palm oil?

Yes it is!. Choose food that does not contain palm oil, or protein substitutes (as in the sausage).

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