Why is Vitamin C one of the most underrated medicine of this century?

in #health7 years ago

 Vitamin C also known as L-ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin that we all need to have everyday. It has very remarkable antioxydant properties. Unfortunately, unlike animals human being cannot self-synthesize theirs and thus need to get it from supplements. It gets even more problematic when you find out that many foods today are massively deprived of most vitamins and minerals compared to 50 years ago  due GMOs, pesticides, herbicides and other polluting agents [1].  In this article, we will review how vitamin C can be used to cure quite a few diseases and why it is so important for our health. 

 Is an orange of the 1950’s equivalent to 21 of today’s oranges?[1]

 Looking at the research of Dr. Klenner, we can just be astonished by the benefits of vitamin c. He used high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) to cure his patients, mainly by using IV [2]. Upon reading [2] we can find many interesting points. For instance, cherry-like fruits contain 30 times more vitamin C content compared with oranges. We also find that the Klenner family survived the flu outbreak in 1918 thanks to the Boneset, a plant that contains very high amount of vitamin C. 

 Vitamin C can be injected intravenously or intramuscularly  at high dose to fight many types of infections. (the picture below was extracted from [7])

1. Virus infections: 

Vitamin C can be used to fight many viruses inclusing polioviruses, Echovirus, coxsachie virus or inluenza virus [2]. (the picture below was extracted from [8]).

  2. Other diseases 

  Vitamin C can be used to fight other diseases such as corneal diseases, chicken poxes, infectious hepatitis, heat stroke, diabetes or sunburn (it can also be used topically) [2].  (the picture below was extracted from [9]).


  3. Allergies  
    Breathing or IV treatments with high dose of vitamin C can also alleviate many allergy symptoms [3].  (the picture below was extracted from [10]). 

 Why is vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) so important in our daily lives? 

   1.Vitamin C keeps and maintains our immune system [4].   (the picture below was extracted from [11]). 

   2. It may help in preventing or treating cancer [5].  (the picture below was extracted from [12]). 

  3. It keeps our bone tissue healthy [4]. 

  4. It may help decrease bad cholesterol and fight against heart disease [6].  (the picture below was extracted from [13]). 

  Yes it definitely seems that vitamin C is a highly underestimated medicine. The good news is that we can find it fairly cheap, providing that we can purchase the right kind of organic L-ascorbic acid. I would strongly encourage anyone reading this article to do his/her own  research on the subject, as I believe we can all massively benefit from it. Health is one of the most important thing (if not the most important) thing on earth. 

  juv79505 sincerely thank you for reading this article. Please feel free to comment below in case you have ideas, questions, suggestions or simply want to criticize this article. Also, note that all pictures used in this article were extracted from the google section “pictures labeled for commercial reuse”. Stay tuned for more articles on health, environment, artificial intelligence, technology, geography, history, sports or video games.

 [1] https://www.soscuisine.com/blog/orange-1950s-equivalent-21-todays-oranges/
 [2] http://www.doctoryourself.com/klennerpaper.html
 [3] http://breathing.com/articles/vitamin-c.htm
 [4] https://www.abundanceandhealth.co.uk/en/blog/64-the-6-important-roles-of-vitamin-c
 [5] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/219352.php
 [6] https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/vitamins/vitamin-c-benefits/ 


  [7]  https://goo.gl/xKhkoz

  [8] https://goo.gl/WxfBgm

  [9] https://goo.gl/GrqaT3

  [10] https://goo.gl/nRucem

  [11] https://goo.gl/G19XjD

  [12] https://goo.gl/8Um8Kk 

  [13] https://goo.gl/LhdtQ1


Vitamin C is not a medicine just like Vacines are not one. But benefits are clear, i recommend everyone to take supplements, as it wont do any damage and there are many reported benefits.

Thanks for commenting! Sorry for the confusion, when I said "medicine" I meant an alternative nutriment or supplement to the modern medicine that is being advertised today and that can be often very harmful to the body. Thanks again for commenting.

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