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RE: Vaccines Are The Single Most Effective Medical Treatment Ever Invented

in #health8 years ago

Where, pray tell, are links to support YOUR theory that vaccines are a miracle drug...people are not anti-vaxxers because they are stubborn...they are anti-vaxxers because they are informed. My sister has worked in the medical industry for over 30 years, for some of the biggest and best known hospitals and facilities on the East Coast...and she is against vaccinations. It's great that you have an opinion on the subject, and to each their own, but if you hope to sway a fence rider to one side or the other, you need to provide some actual factual supporting evidence...this shows nothing but a remanufactured infographic that does very little to support your argument.


Look pal. It is not about theory but about evidence. I don't care if your sister was working there. wtf? Since when being employed somewhere is evidence of anything? What kind of moronic logic is this? I know people who spend their whole life in a company and still disagreed with their policies — mostly because they were fuckheads themselves.

The anti-vaxxers are mainly american tinfoiled idiots who much like evolution and everything else science are behind. I lived there for 6 years and I can't believe how much lunacy that country carries. Almost all anti-vaxxers never went to school, never opened a book in their life and in all likelihood they are paranoid thinking that someone is out to get them.

You need evidence.? Start googling. Start from here. I said I won't bother writing them one by one since it has been done over and over again. Even if I did write them i would get the same crap as your comment as a response.

Here's more evidence. Tdap vaccine has been proven to be very high risk for microcephaly and usa government knew that in 1991 but didn't do anything to stop it.

Evidence Concerning Pertussis Vaccines and Central Nervous System Disorders, Including Infantile Spasms, Hypsarrhythmia, Aseptic Meningitis, and Encephalopathy

Bullshit. Also monsanto makes both organic and GMO. both are perfectly safe. again. more tinfoil crap. here is the debunk of your claim

You're a trusting fool or a shill to think Monsanto and GMOs are safe. You must really love Big Brother.

Hey dumbass...quoting the blog posts of people with opinions does NOT debunk anything...if you were any damn dumber we'd have to call you "STUMP."


NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Eminent judges will hear testimonies from victims, and deliver an advisory opinion following procedures of the International Court of Justice. A distinct and parallel event, the People's Assembly, provides the opportunity for social movements to rally and plan for the future we want. The Tribunal and People's Assembly take place between 14 and 16 October 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands.

we shall see then

a lot of mosantos issues are more oilitcal and social. GMOs might turn out to be unhealthy, but I dont think theyre that scary. I'd tae organic anyday. Just seeing and tasting the difference between the two. Though the rate hih they harvest eggies and fruit before its ready and then spray it with stuff might be why that is. Ive only watched docs about monsanto and figred they were a shitbag cmpany, tho docs have to portray things emotionally to entertain vieweres.

Look pal...just because YOU make a statement on a social media platform, doesn't make it FACT...individuals who consider themselves to be authorities on subjects they have no formal education on, come across as hypocritical assbags...(find a mirror). The only crap here is your post...FORBES is not an authority on vaccinations...they are a publishing company, you want to talk about moronic logic...if this is your evidence, you need to put your helmet back on and buckle that chinstrap on pretty tight there Charlie. Your Liberal support of a program you obviously know absolutely NOTHING about, leads me to believe you will buy any bullshit published by the propaganda specialists of the mainstream media...go crawl back in your hole.


Almost all anti-vaxxers never went to school, never opened a book in their life

What kind of nonsense is this? Scientific debate, scientific method? Same old mindless ad hominum and shrill attacks. Calm down, mate.

Adding in that's it's wrong too. The people in America leading the charge away from vaccinations and public education are well educated white people. Your research skills are highly questionable.

Anti-caxxers are not ill informed, you just dont want to hear their side. You have confirmation bias, you feel safer believing that vaccines have zero % error.
Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence
You going to call all these people who have been infected by vaccines wrong? Your cognitive dissonance makes you dismiss facts that challenge your convictions. And If vaccines were so safe than the kids who get vaccinated should have nothing to worry about according to pro-vaxxers? So why dictate others that they should agree with you? This is another shill funded garbage to ensure people and their kids get jabbed.
Statistics show that autism, cancer, diabetes and obesity have increased over time, and this was never a problem 50 years ago, but introduce vaccines and add unnecessary chemicals to food and water and those numbers rise, and yet vaccines haven not helped those numbers drop at all.

@trev Can you give a reason why you flagged several comments in this post?

Never said that they have 100% success. Before you accuse someone for logical fallacies at least try not to commit them yourself. Surely there are complications some times but the benefits outweight the negatives. THATS the point.

//You going to call all these people who have been infected by vaccines wrong?//

Actually I am going to call them idiots. Much like the 9.000.000 Americans who claim to have been kidnapped from aliens. Again. numbers of people don't make arguments. quite the contrary applies in the "murica fuck yeah" land of the "free".

//Your cognitive dissonance makes you dismiss facts that challenge your convictions. //

No it doesn't. Coming up with cute words doesn't make me so. You need to provide evidence for me being cognitively dishonest.

// And If vaccines were so safe than the kids who get vaccinated should have nothing to worry about according to pro-vaxxers?//

exactly. there is nothing to fear about.

//So why dictate others that they should agree with you? This is another shill funded garbage to ensure people and their kids get jabbed.//

Because I am living around idiots like yourself. I wouldn't like to get sick because of your stupidity.

//Statistics show that autism, cancer, diabetes and obesity have increased over time, and this was never a problem 50 years ago,//

statistics, cancer and diabetes increased because we have better tools in detecting them. jesus you are a fucking moron. obesity increased because people sit on their asses and eat like pigs.

FML. fine. don't get vaccinated. clean the gene pool.

9 million Americans abducted by aliens...where in the wild blue f**k do you get your obviously biased and completely erroneous research from...the best thing you could do is vaccinate yourself into a give dumb people a bad name...

The practice of statistics was not as thorough 50 years ago as it is today. Obesity def has nothing to do with vaccine

Obesity is because of unhealthy lifestyle, GMO's, prescription drugs and junk food like mcdonald's.

Florence Nightengale pioneered more rigourous statistical data in mid 1800s. Still from then it was a long time before technology to allow better record keeping came about. It was just not possible to take and share records of health from even near every person in the world. So the number of deaths recorded pre-vaccine era is stronger evidence considering that. When was Autism even labelled and 'discovered', btw? Anti-vaxxers are probably descendants of ppl who thought every aberrant behaviour was a demonic possesson.

Florence N:

wait...what do you suggest? That the practice of vaccination be stopped completely?
here is all the evidence anyone needs:
Oct 24 start. Free!

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