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RE: Water Quality Is Really Important: We Share Our Easy and Effective Options For Water Purification, Which Can Save Your Life In The Zombie Apocalypse or a Simple Trip to Mexico

in #health8 years ago (edited)

"How much do we know about colloidal silver?
There are no high quality studies on the health effects of taking colloidal silver, but we do have good evidence of its dangers.

What do we know about the effectiveness of colloidal silver?
Claims made about the health benefits of taking colloidal silver aren’t backed up by studies.

What do we know about the safety of colloidal silver?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition."

In fact it's not safe for the treatment of water, assuming you intend to drink that water.

As for Iodine, consumption of too much is also quite dangerous and can lead to things like:


Thyroid Cancer:

The uncontrolled use of the compounds you are peddling will result in the endangerment of the health of anyone who uses them.


We will continue to share the successful OPTIONS for health that we have found. Everyone is free to choose the options that work best for them! We have numerous testimonials to the efficacy and have done extensive research on these health supplements.

Colloidal silver is safe and effective, and it has been used for hundreds of years with great results. There is only one side effect that has ever been associated with ingestion of poor quality colloidal silver (nanoparticles > 35 nm, or an impure solution). This condition is called argyria, and it is a cosmetic disfigurement where the skin turns irreversibly blue. It is caused by a buildup of silver salts under the skin reacting with sunlight. It is extremely rare, with only about 200 cases recorded in over a hundred years. You are welcome to compare that to the side effects of pharmaceuticals if you are interested.

There are numerous studies demonstrating the antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles, which has led to the incredible technology of silver-infused fabrics and countertops. We link studies in this and our previous posts.

We have used colloidal silver to purify water, and have great success with it, including ingesting water from a bat-filled cave in Mexico. You don't have to use colloidal silver if you don't trust studies or experience; we are not here to force our will on anyone, rather simply to illuminate options.

As for iodine, you are misinformed. It is a well known and extremely common method of purifying water. Most backpackers are familiar with iodine tablets.

Hypothyroidism is caused by iodine deficiency, as are cystic conditions and many cancers. We already shared an extensive post on the importance of iodine to the thyroid/metabolism, and you can read that and the linked studies if you like:
Iodine is Essential for Healthy Thyroid Function, Which is Vital for Every Single Cell in the Body. Thyroid Hormones Regulate Metabolism and Protein Synthesis. The Human Body Needs Iodine to Optimize Health!

There are several forms of iodine, and some of them are dangerous for the body. Elemental iodine, for instance, is toxic. Even the form in iodized salt is not the most healthful for the body!

Also, the Japanese eat a seafood rich diet and regularly consume 5,000-13,000 mcg of iodine a day, and they enjoy superior health (lower rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease) than Americans, where the RDA is a mere 150 mcg. The RDA was set as the bare minimum requirement to prevent goiter rather than to optimize health, and it doesn't account for the higher needs of women and pregnant/nursing mothers. "Too much iodine" is not realistic if one follows the standard American diet, or by supplementing responsibly with a high quality nascent iodine.

We have found great success with these options, and realize that many government studies are biased, fabricated, and/or manipulated to yield results that powerful interests want to see.

Again, we are not telling anyone they have to choose these or that they are the only way, but we will continue to speak our truth. It is extremely important in this day and age when natural treatments are being suppressed, and holistic doctors are actually being murdered for speaking out against the medical mafia.

supplements are widely unregulated, very few of them work. if you come with the big pharma conspiracy theory argument, you should probably acknowledge the $40 billion/year supplement industry. but of course, supplement sellers do not talk about that.

what is research? certainly not obscure and non-peer-reviewed websites on the internet.
anyone can say research this/research that. heck, any claim you may have you can always find a study to support it, no matter how wild it is, given that there are at least 2 million papers published every year.

Exactly, you can always find a study to support it! That is how Big Pharma yields their results. Fraud, lies, and deceit are rampant. They pay the scientists, they pay the pharmacists, they pay the doctors, they pay the drug reps, they pay the politicians, and they pay the medical schools to tell people that drugs are the one and only way to achieve health!

Our existence proves otherwise. #1 WE are obviously not motivated by money, as we spend all of our time and resources to building a healthier and more sustainable world for all, and #2 We are the healthiest people we know. If there be challengers to our health, let them rise up and show the practices they have found for increasing wellness--We want our lives to be the best they can be, so we want to try their practices!!

This is why we share what works for us, so that others may CHOOSE for themselves if it sounds like something they want to try. We have rely on experiential TRUTH over any external authority, and we will continue to tell people that there are alternatives to the "sickcare" monopoly that is presented.

Even iodine use by campers has a strict limit of safety.
Yes the Japanese have a diet high in iodine due to their consumption of sea weed (I even posted an article about what happens from that over consumption of iodine, thyroid cancer). You are correct that hypothyroidism is a symptom of a lack of iodine. Interestingly it is also a symptom of too much iodine.

I am not "trolling" thank you very much. Ad hominem attacks yield no results. I am just pointing out peer reviewed scientific literature which contradicts your claims and illustrates the potential health hazards of (some of) the products you sell.

I've come to a point in my life where I recognize the healthful benefits of natural things. I no longer take what the government or the so called "experts" say about my health, especially since they have an agenda to uphold and perpetuate weak people and the pharmaceutical industry.

Since iodine is not readily available in our food source, unless we are eating amply from the oceans, and since the sources of iodine provided by those who are supposed to be in charge of healthy food awareness are not actually providing a source of iodiine that is utilizable by the body but pretending that it is, I will continue to supplement what I feel is in my best interest.

Of course, these same governmental and supported entities do not want the people to have easy access to healthful options, including colloidal silver. Having healthy, strong, aware, engaged, empowered people opposes their deceitful agenda.

I will go on experiential awareness of what it has done for me and for my family. I will be aware of what I put in my body and not ask those attempting to control and put us down about healthful options. I can tell from the way my body reacts what feels best for me, and if I have questions about well-being, I will go to the most healthy and vibrant people I know for advice, not scientific studies that are most often swayed greatly by desire for control through the all-might dollar.

I feel the whole point is....there are healthy, beneficial, readily available, inexpensive and natural options. People have fallen into the trap of looking to the government and so called "experts" for their health care--hence, we are likely the weakest, artificially medicated, most obese, sedentary, disempowered, complacent, fearful generation of all time.

That being said, being aware of all the choices we make for our lives is of great value, including knowing the possible detriments and side effects, if any, as almost anything, including too much apple juice, can upset the body's balance. Thanks for posting your perspective and your fears. Perhaps it will helps others gain perspective.

I am afraid to tell you that your anecdotal accounts and personal testimonials don't count for anything. To purposely disregard the diligent work of scientists and ignore the advice of experts is fine by me so long as you choose to keep those views to your self. You are free to go about damaging your own body through consumption of toxic materials as you see fit. However to spread your cancerous views on other people who don't know any better, and present "evidence" from unreputable sources (like a "Oxford Journal" a news paper, not scientifically accountable), is at minimum extremely reckless behavior and at worst malicious.

Your comments are entirely unacceptable, shame on you.

The Garden of Eden exists to share the best, most successful options for health and wellness we have found. To suggest otherwise is inappropriate and misinformed.

We are a highly transparent organization, because those are our standards of honor. We exist to build a healthier world for all, and our experience and research proves these are successful options. We will continue to share our successes, especially in the face of a purported healthcare system that is grossly disconnected from anything resembling health and that has proven to lie, cheat, and manipulate time and time again.

Submit evidence that negates our experience, else be on your way, troll.

Hahahaha---shame on me for listening to my own body, for going with my own experience, for tuning into what is healthful for me and seeking advice if needed from vibrant people. I will continue to do what I feel is in my best interests, and I never tried to coerce you into listening to yourself, being in tune with your own body, or following your own inner guidance. I simply stated my experience and what is best for me.

"Spreading cancerous views on other people who don't know any better" is something that happens in the everyday pharmaceutical world. Giving people more options to explore is ideally opening eyes to healthful living, including encouraging empowerment to become one of those people who "knows better" than only what mainstream Western medicine provides.

There are options for everyone and you are free to choose for yourself from your own level of awareness, however limited it may be and seek and believe whatever sources you find gives you clarity. Whatever you are in alignment with will be your experience. May you be blessed with health and an empowered state of personal responsibility.

both mercury and titanium are natural, should you ingest them at will?...

stop this natural, non-natural nonsense. this post is anti-science. citing from non-peer-reviewed sources and trying to appear scientifically legit...

Experience shows that ingesting mercury is toxic (yet it is a continued practice in western medicine...).

Experience shows that ingesting high quality colloidal silver can eradicate a huge amount of diseases without side effects.

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