Answers to Most Common Keto Diet Queries

in #health4 years ago

The ketogenic or keto diet has become one of the most famous diets to burn fat. It is a strict diet that promises results for people who can follow this regimen. In today's post, we will answer all your queries about this diet plan.

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How Does The Keto Diet Work?

The basic idea of ​​the keto diet meal plan is to change our primary energy source - carbohydrates for fats. Basically, it’s about reducing carbohydrates’ consumption to a minimum and following a diet rich in protein and fat. It pushes the body into a state of ketosis, where the metabolism burns fat instead of glucose.

To truly enter ketosis, it is not enough to reduce the carbohydrates in the diet (up to <50 grams per day). One has also to maintain protein intake. You can not consume more than 1.2 grams of protein per kg of your weight as excess protein could prevent entering ketosis. Complete the rest of the daily intake with fats,

So how it works is simple: “The body first uses stored glucose to burn fat. With the keto diet menu, the body does not have glucose and thus uses fat for energy. The moment the body uses fat for fuel, it enters the state of ketosis. You can also reach this stage with prolonged periods of fasting.”

How Long Does it Take To Show Results?

To enter ketosis, the body needs three to five days of proper diet. You can notice weight loss after 15 days. Although, as always, the reactions of each body are different.

Is It Good To Reduce Carbohydrates So Much?

Following a ketogenic diet, we will achieve a weight loss favored by the reduction of appetite and the increase in satiety. One can also include physical activity for rapid results. However, adapting to this diet can be complicated for some.

The metabolic change of using fat as an energy source can cause cramps, headaches, and even dehydration. It occurs when the possibility of actually reaching a state of ketosis is broken. Although it rarely happens if you stick to your diet plan and ensure:

The percentage of total carbohydrates in your diet should not exceed 10% (5-10%). Fats will contribute 60% of the total daily calories in this diet, and proteins will reach 30-35%.

Remember, there should not be excess protein, nor should its contribution be neglected. It will maintain muscle and allow weight loss in the form of fat.

What are the Advantages and Drawbacks?


  1. Satiating: by ingesting more protein, you are satisfied earlier and for longer.
  2. Significant and stable weight loss.
  3. Reduction of triglyceride and cholesterol levels and an increase in HDL cholesterol.
  4. You feel light as a feather after completing your diet plan.


  1. Lack of vitamins and minerals (can be made up with the intake of supplements).
  2. General fatigue and lack of strength to lift weights.
  3. Mood swings in the early stages.

Who Can Follow The Ketogenic Diet?

Healthy people who need to lose a few pounds can follow the 30-day diet. Then they can maintain the regime, but not so strictly. In the case of excessively overweight people, they can also follow it for long periods to achieve results, of course, always under a specialist’s supervision.

It is a recommended diet in childhood epilepsy, Alzheimer's, some types of acne, and other inflammatory pathologies not related to stress.

In short, if you are a healthy person, the keto diet meal plan can help you lose a few extra pounds and, most importantly: help you eat better. Since diets only work if you manage to re-educate your eating habits and maintain them once the regime is finished. Otherwise, the effort will have been of no use.

Final Words

Now, if you are planning to engage yourself in this diet plan, then we have a suggestion for you. For beginners, it’s always overwhelming to indulge in preparation and cooking keto diet meals. Thankfully there is a solution. You can get your keto meals delivered to you by a reputed food supplier in your area. Like in Melbourne, Sydney, or NSW, you can get meal plan delivery by NDIS meals. They always offer fresh food, never frozen, and there is no minimum order for free delivery.

Lastly, eat healthily and live your life to the fullest!

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