in #health6 years ago

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But while we sometimes get caught up in the “ew, blood” like its disgusting, it worth to know that as it seems it's interesting, most Women crave for sex during their periods like its something they can't control and it's amazing having sex this period because it reliefs the pain but then again most Women won't want to have sex in their periods but, it's worth knowing the many health benefits that can come with having sex on your period. Sure, it’s not for the squeamish, but there are some surprising pros to having sex while you’re in the midst of RED FLAG monthly visit. (And no, not getting pregnant is not one of them, because you can totally get preggers while on your period.) So, whatever you do, don't rule it out, and don't let yourself feel ashamed of it.
Here are seven reasons to get it on when you have your period Uhmmm, I guess no but now u present to you reasons why you can go on:.

It Helps Alleviate Cramps
Obviously, this one also goes for when you're PMS-ing. If you suffer major cramps during your period, then an orgasm can help nip those in the bud. When we orgasm, the body releases oxytocin which is also known as the 'love hormone 'and dopamine, along with other endorphins that can ease any period-related pains. Those hormones are far stronger than any over-the-counter painkillers. Before orgasm, oxytocin, released from the brain, surges and is accompanied by the release of endorphins, our natural pain-killing hormones. The area of the brain involved in pain reduction is highly activated during arousal and endorphins are released; endorphins soothe nerve impulses that cause menstrual cramps, migraine or joint pain.
There's Less Need For Lube
If you're naturally on the dry side, or have a difficult time producing enough lubrication naturally, then period sex will likely be a welcome break from needing lube. But before you start thinking the whole "ew, blood" thing again, think about this: Yes, you're bleeding when you menstruate, but most of what you're seeing is actually the shedding of your uterine lining. On average, women lose between four and 12 teaspoons of that fluid during menstruation each month, but not all of it is blood. In fact, because of what an overpowering color red is, it looks like there's far more blood than there actually is. So try to just think of it as extra lubrication instead.
You Probably Won't Actually Find It Gross
A 2012 study proved what anyone who's been in the heat of the moment during their period already knows: Everything besides having sex becomes secondary. Researchers has s found that
sexual arousal overrides the natural disgust response, which means that once you get started, the fact that you're on your period may not even enter your mind. And after a few minutes, you'll be too busy enjoying yourself to care.
It Can Shorten The Length Of Your Period
With every orgasm you have, your uterus contracts. Each contraction expels the blood and uterine lining faster than it would on its own. Having sex during your period will not only shorten its length, but it will also flush out the compounds within the uterus that are causing all that cramping and pressure in the first place.
It Can Create Greater Intimacy
When you're willing to open up the floodgates and have sex on your period, you're also opening the doors to a deeper intimacy. You're probably not willing to have period sex with just anybody, so when you do, it's taking the intimate bond you already have to the next level. It's basically saying, "I wouldn't let just anyone be this wrapped up in my blood."
It Will Force You To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone
If you're a missionary-in-bed- only type of woman, period sex may change that. You may decide to try new positions, or opt against intercourse in favor of
other, related activities. You may even want to take it to the shower!
Because You Know You Want To
Women tend to be pretty damn horny both right before and during their period. The reason for this is that the pelvic area and genitals get really swollen, making you crave sex the same way you crave pizza. So if you have the desire to have sex, then why on earth let a little blood stand in your way?
After all, it's not like you let your period stop you from doing anything else.

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