in #health6 years ago (edited)

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Stress is a scary and very serious subject since it is one of the main causes of all sicknesses and diseases.
The reason I would like to share this with you is because I know that all of us deal with some kind of stress in our lives and a lot of us don't really know how to deal with it or know some easy and very effective ways to help reduce or drestress your life.

I am not an expert on stress or any kind of doctor, but I would like to share one of easy ways that I apply in my dialy life next to other daily things like exercising, eating right, drinking enough water, daily nature walk/relax etc.
I was really inspired by the absolutely amazing "The Essential Life" book and I thought I share the information from it since it does explain things so much clearer.

Stress is the body's physiological response to overwhelming stimuli, a condition that directly challenges the bodys' ability to maintain homeostasis. When a stressful event or condition is perceived, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, which causes a FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT response in the body.

The FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT response initiates a chain reaction of activity in the body, starting with the central nervous system. Various parts of the brain, adrenal glands, peripheral nervous system (PNS), and other body systems work together to secrete hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, into the bloodstream. These hormones send messages instructing the immediate suspension of uncritical activities, such as those of the digestive, reproductive and immune systems. All bodily energy and resources are directed to supporting heart and brain function.

Once the body's response to stress has been activated, a number of physical changes immediately occur. Stress reduces the blood-brain barrier's ability to block hormones and chemicals from entering the brain, allowing corticosterids to speed up the brain's ability to process information and make a decision.

When stress becomes chronic, however, some extrememly serious situations can result. Over time, neuroplasitcity of the brain is compromised, which results in the atrophy and destruction of neuron dendrites, and the brain loses the ability to form new connections or nen process new sensory information (both being vital brain functions). When the immune system is repressed for an extended period of time, the body pays a significant toll.
Risk or Heart Attack and Stroke increases, Anxiety and Depression are more likely, and infertility can result, as well as a number of other conditions including Asthma, Back Pain, Fatigue, Headaches, serious Digestive issues, and more.


Essential oils are excellent support for effectively reprogramming hte stress response on a chemical level. For example, when the cell membrane is hardened, cells suspend activity, rich nutrients and oxygen from the blood are not able to enter the cell, and toxic waste inside the cell is unable to escape. The chemical compounds in citrus oils, when inhaled, help cells to return to their normal state, thus allowing hte interchange of nutrients and release of toxins to resume. On a physiological cellular level, the body's descent into fight-or-flight is interrupted, and the body is quickly able to shift towards homeostasis. There are numerous viable essential oils solutions that can interrupt unhealthy stress responses and prevent additional negative results.>


Diffuse the oils or you can inhale from your hands or the bottle or simply apply on your clothing.

Apply to tired or tense muscles or on the back or your neck, shoulders, legs and feet or anywhere where you feel tension. Remember to dilute the oils with coconut oil or any carrier oil when applying on your skin, especially if your skin is sensitive.
You can also apply these oils on the chest, skull, behind ears, gland location and forhead.


Pour desired drops into a veggie capsule, apply the oils underneath your toungue or on top roof of your mouth, or you can drink them with your water or shakes.


Some of the best essential oils for calming and for helping relieve stress that I use in my diffuser are: Wild Orange, Frankincense, Lemon, Grapefruit, Clary Sage, Lavender, Peppermint, Bergamot, Balance blend, Elevation Blend, Serenity and Rosemary.
You don't have to have all of these oils and you don't have to use all of them at once either, but these are just the oils that are amazing for helping relieve stress in your life.



Here are some remedies for a roller bottle which you can roll on your pulse points and behind the ears and on the bottom of your feet.


10 drops Frankincense
8 drops Lavender
4 drops Peppermint
4 drops Wild Orange
Combine oils into a roller bottle and the rest you fill it with fractionated coconut oil.


10 drops Lime
10 drops Wild Orange
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Black Pepper
Combine oils into a roller bottle and the rest you fill with fractionated coconut oil.


10 drops Bergamot
10 dorps Lemon
10 drops Lime
10 drops Wild Orange
10 drops Lavender
10 drops invigorating blend
5 drops grounding blend
5 drops calming blend
Combine all the oils in a roller bottle and the rest fill with fractionated coconut oil.


10 drops Clary Sage
15 drops Bergamot
20 drops Grapefruit
25 drops Wild Orange
15 drops Frankincense
10 drops Lemon
Combine the oils in a roller bottle and the rest fill with fractionated coconut oil.




1 cup Epsom salt or sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
10 drops Lavender


5 drops Calming blend
5 drops Frankincense


9 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Lavender
1 drop Cedarwood


4 drops of Calming blend
3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Tension Blend

These are just some recipes and some of the easy steps to help relieve stress out of your life. This whole post is a source of "The Essential Life" book wich is absolutely a must book if you are using essential oils since it explains everything and anything of how we can take care of our body naturally and it contains many recipes and it is one of the best investments I had made.
I will make a d-tube post next week about it, so don't miss it out if you are really interested in using these amazing plant-based essential oils.

Would love to hear from you and your thought about this post if it was helpful at all or if you were interested in learning more about it or had any questions, please let me know in the comments, and I would love to help.
You can also check my website Click here or you can also check my FaceBook Page Earths Gift for more information.

Thank you for visiting my post. If you like it, please don't forget to Upvote, Follow, and Resteem, it is very, very appreciated. Any suggestions are always very welcome so that I can keep improving in this community.
God Bless!


Image created by the beautiful @sunnylife


Awesome post! I have used essential oils for almost three years now. It is a nice relaxing way to relieve stress at the end of the day.

I followed you and upvoted your post, follow back so we can help each other succeed!

That is so good to hear @therealcryptokid.
It always makes me feel happy to see others using these oils.

I will definitely check your post out.
Have a great day.

I am just having some back pains at the moment and thinking of going back to the blind masseuse. I want these oils so bad :(

We have some awesome oils and creams for pain which we use in our home daily on my son and my husband and sometimes myself.

Excellent information on blend ideas. I didn't know about the cell membrane permeability during fight or flight. Fascinating!

Thank you @allforthegood for your lovely comment and visit. Glad you enjoyed it.

Have a wonderful weekend @allforthegood.

Lavender is my favorite for its calming effect.

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