
Rothschild's, Jesuits Need To Get What's Coming.

They will, Jesus is coming, biblical prophecy is coming to pass. Europe and Russia becoming friends, Great Britain (Britain means covenant land) beginning to bring the commonwealth together again. War escalating in the middle east. Hold on to your hats, its going to be a bumpy ride.

I see you've switched your tag spamming up, although this is tagged as health and there is nothing wrong with that tag, it's hardly sports or steemit so it's still constitutes tag spam. How do you want people to find relevant information if you won't tag it like everyone else, why not tag this as vaccines.

@steemcleaners, I wish I had the voting power to spend on flagging this, as there doesn't look like the tag spam will stop.

I put a blog up with a link to this exellent free PDF book written about the dangers of vaccines. Its scary and i for one have stopped having vaccines.

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